
In all due seriousness Fuck This Guy, he has the bariatric stomache surgery and has the audacity to do a cooking show where he eats carnival food like a fucking glutton. Its shameful , becuase of his wealth he is able to do this type of insane shit and not get called out on it. Stomache bipass surgery, also has show

Can u do a f0llow up , “ Black People: what is that smell “ i cant wait to find out.

i woulda killed that fucking terrorist, try riding 100 miles an hour while my kid is on a bike on the same street. I WILL FUKING MURDER YOU, i dnt care if your arab or jew or christian, shit heads are shit heads, and should be sqaushed

there is NO FREE GAME ON ORIGIN, your link is bogus and totally got my hopes up, thanks for lieing , you piece of shit.

there is NO FREE GAME ON ORIGIN, your link is bogus and totally got my hopes up, thanks for lieing , you piece of

those shoes ARE terrible.

How can u be a Jew and Gay? serious question , not trolling, A dude ob guys grocery games , a frenchy something Ben-israel, he makes cakes, well anyways, hes a flaming gay jew as well , and it struck me as odd , havind read the talmud and bible, those books seems REALLY anti queer, so how and/or why do you associate

only irresponsible people cant handle heroin , you dont want to be irresponsible do you? Fuck you bro troll

do u even football?, pussy.

LIES, there was a modern telling of lupin the 3rd, a horrible gritty realistic version from japan , YOU FUCKING REVIEWED IT BRIAN ASHCRAFT.

So Deathclaws , aliens and super mutants are totally real then, stfu u piece of shit. Your stupid.

“thousands of dollars worth of weed.. i lost repsect for him.” ok First of all Thousands of dollars worth of weed wont fit in a fucking backpack , i work at a marijuana farm for fucks sake this is just so erroneous its comical... and losing respect for someone in CALIFORNIA for sharing FREE WEED with foreigners, what

its not humiliatio, his kids thought the trophies were bullshit too. If that dude is you dad , your not a lil pussy. They showed him this and this is his reaction and theirs.

lets be tolerant twords muslims

so your implying smoking weed equates to never going to college, your a fascist shithead. I am a doctor and i smoke marijuana daily. please disparage everyone who does good in this world to meet your bullshit stereotype. Nearly all of my professors at the university of iowa smoke marijuana and its not even legal in

your a piece of shit , your use of refund ruins developers. seriously fuck you

thats a drawing not cosplay , what the fuck. seriously , that is not a picture , no where under all those layers is there a photo for cosplay.

or just balance pvp.

why is there no video , why does clicking the where the video should be bring up this stupid chat bubble, did u just get hired? still learning how to make a web page?

i eat 2 325 mg pie bars everyday. this kid at 10 mg and killed himself? people people , dont blame the drug blame the person. No amount of pot makes someone want to jump out of window, But hey DEPRESSION sure does. By this logic , i should be jumping off mountains and slicng my veins open, I just ate one of those

White guy who thinks he is japanese is totally differnt than a white bitch thinking she is black? right? i dont get why they dont shit on you brian yet your cohorts shit all over that ladys ethnic identity choice.