your a piece of shit , your use of refund ruins developers. seriously fuck you
your a piece of shit , your use of refund ruins developers. seriously fuck you
thats a drawing not cosplay , what the fuck. seriously , that is not a picture , no where under all those layers is there a photo for cosplay.
or just balance pvp.
why is there no video , why does clicking the where the video should be bring up this stupid chat bubble, did u just get hired? still learning how to make a web page?
i eat 2 325 mg pie bars everyday. this kid at 10 mg and killed himself? people people , dont blame the drug blame the person. No amount of pot makes someone want to jump out of window, But hey DEPRESSION sure does. By this logic , i should be jumping off mountains and slicng my veins open, I just ate one of those…
White guy who thinks he is japanese is totally differnt than a white bitch thinking she is black? right? i dont get why they dont shit on you brian yet your cohorts shit all over that ladys ethnic identity choice.
My god , its full of stars....
lol a man made of lies living in a house m
u think this is some kinda motha fucking game?
you sound like a shithead
um spirit breaker from dota, you act like this is a new game mechanic in a moba when its actually a move that STARTED in dota YEARS ago, its not new , its literally the same move stolen and given a new name , a charge from anywhere on map , a little icon above enemies head , and it chases em down wheerever they go YUP…
really , starwars bro, the fuckin death star and battle cruisers are all puppets and models, the 3 shitty shitty shitty and we can all agree univerally shitty episodes 1 2 3 with there complere cg spaceships was just crap. More specifically , when the droid army is unveiling iself before attack its literally cut and…
i hope people die form your advice of taking aspirin to increase drinking tolerance, You Are Criminally Irresponsible. some dumb teenage gawker reader is gonna die because of you, whats next , the proper way to od on heroin?, how to properly crush a pill and snort it, your seriously telling people how to ingest an…
article about jokes , NO JOKES IN ARTICLE, maybe this post is the joke?
all those movies are commercially successful but terrible fucking films, All pizzazz no substance , transformers , avengers jrrasic world lol, san andreas seriously , the rock fighting an earthquake? interstellar , mathew dumb as a rock mcconhaey has an astronaught right, I hate to say it, but you named NOTHING of…
you shut him the fuck him REAL QUICK, heres a 30 pack of kudos and a star.
this is somehow apropoe.
amen , there are NO MEXICANS in the stan , and half the book is in vegas... apparently minorities arent immune to captain tripps LOLOL
as a further thought about your horrible title, “live sunshine” , yet it has happened yet , and has not been constructed, so thank you for destroying our language, in what definition of the word “live” are you using (current/ living / at this moment) how the flying fuck can you call something that hasnt happened yet…