
Super hero movies are making Americas retarded. No one knows what subtlety is , i tell you its not the hulk fighting a fucking robot. None of those movies evoke real emotions , they are just shallow attempts at nostalgia, like seriously 2 captain america movies, perhaps in 1950 that would have worked and been

what happened to the live action one?

so long as your macro makes your actual reclick it during your cycle of moves for each and every move , there is no problem, only fully automated is a problem, sequential macros are fine

lexx is the best thing to ever come out of canada, sorry if you cant handle a balls n cock space ship, the sexual puns were surprisingly clever on that show and it had a damn good story arc, from the nihilistic tendencies of intellectuals, to the base sexual desires of all creatures, i cant think of any other show

try being a dude with 3 cats, dudes have it worse than women if you have multiple cats , maybe because women fit the classic stereotype more, but holy shit do i get alot of hell for my kitties.. and ya know what Fuck those people i love my cats :)

explain this token thing please

yummy , fire breaded dragons mmmmmmm

No one should be shot for a cartoon, even if the cartoon was drawn to make you angry.

I never mentioned the redistribution of wealth, so stop transposing your thoughts over mine. As i said Fuck you, If you own a Diamond mine , your evil as fuck. Ya 12 year old africans cuting your diamond out of deep chasms in the earth FAIR TRADE, again Fuck you. Money is fine Greed is fine, Avarice needs to burn, Now

Good point, cause if you OWN a diamond mine im SURE your not evil. Fuck you.

lol ok i wont make furniture out of you then.


i got my salt shaker ready, after the lamp shade i think ill make a coffee table out of your hips and spine. But i really want to watch you twitch. Or maybe drown you , just to give you cpr , then drown you some more. Your a monster and deserve a monsters fate.

I linked you ACTUAL research and a chart showing where a squids brain is... the fellow ocmmentor showing a properly cut squid and how it all twitches then siezes and is done, the one in the video we talking about ,the squid is tryin to get out of the bowl , and is in horrible pain, the motions of the arms have purpose

Who are YOU , do you know nothing about squid biology, look in the picture, do you see its eyes, guess where its fucking brain is genius, Not all animals have a skull like us , i wonder if there is any brain matter in your skull cage.

i question your use of the word skilled? he had other people killing for him an give him items to give him xp boost, he ran around and did nothing, SKILL BABY

how does a 25 controller and a 25 gift card add up to 25... it costs 50, please fix that sentence. I even went to the website, it costs 50 dollars.

how does a 25 controller and a 25 gift card add up to 25... it costs 50, please fix that sentence. I even went to

Controlling what people can say at an open mic event / forum? how is that now fascism, it certainly isn’t the freedom of speech the event claimed to foster, hence they are fascist. that is the definition of the word, or do you still think i have misspoken

i hate the state of illinois and how the named cities after european cities then Hillbilly up the name Milan ( E = Meelaan) (ill= MY lan) Andalusia, viola, it gets fucking painful on the ears.

So if 1 republican is gay , all republicans have to own up and become gay?