
The solution is to keep doing what we are doing. Racist people are very, very, very uncomfortable right now, and while that probably shouldn’t be the only metric, I believe it is still a damned good one.

Such a great handle, btw.

I’m sorry.

Do we have to call Miller “white”?

I prefer to think of him as a recently relocated amphibian whose native habitat his the giant white hippo’s ass crack, where he tenderly maintains there area where mountains of shit routinely erupt.

You know: like a remora, but for the bunghole.

How many black friends does David Clarke have? Fewer than Trump?

“Saying that you don’t see race is essentially admitting that you’re so willing to deny your own biases that you’ll revoke part of someone else’s identity to make you feel better about your inadequacies.”

I should point out there is another subset of wypipo: the utterly clueless. This is not a sympathy play. The

“I don’t think his intention is to date her...”
Yes. He looks more like he’s on bath salts, and eat her.
I believe he’s from Florida, no? So that would make sense...

I think it would be delightful to hire a PI to investigate how those people got so rich.

I would imagine, as it usually is, they got rich from fucking over the middle and lower classes- the only growth industry in America.

Silly, poors! Don’t you know that capitalism is only for the rich?

I ate indian food three days in a row. I have a whirlwind inside my crack.

God damn, these guys are magicians with the tandoori oven. I have leftovers. Blow wind! And crack your cheeks!

Did I just make Jezebel’s first Shakespearian fart joke?

“Also extremely on point with the terrible 808s, which is the source from which like half of current crap radio’s sound was born.”


I have a hard time taking anyone seriously who puts Kid Rock and Slint on the same list.

Is Kal Penn, one of the most criminally underused actors of our time, too old as well?

I think someone just went up in my fantasy AG league’s ratings.
Please, please, please don’t be another Spitzer. Oh god.

I think Annalee is being arch. Obviously it is a prequel. It’s just an incredibly lame prequel that just retells the same story that it precedes, and not nearly as well. Which is her point. Yes, it is actually a prequel, literal minded people. But an entirely unnecessary one that adds nothing but a cheesy spaceship.

I agree. Mary Elizabeth Winstead deserved better. So did we.

Fantastic. I find Watt’s prose to be a little opaque, but it’s always worth it to plow through. Blindsight was also a ton of fun.

Makes me drool at the thought how awesome proper reboot of The Thing would be like done as a one season premium cable series.

Of course, it is probably impossible to find anyone with the

I love hearing people who hate Trump’s attacks on the press cheer Obama’s attacks on the press.

“Thing is you never hear bout it because white people are afraid of being called racist if they are victims of racism and speak about it.”

Yes, it’s amazing we can get through the day. I can’t tell you how many times I was turned down for a job, was paid less for the same work, and was shot with my hands up in the air.

Oh for Christ’s sake, let’s never bring up that ‘ideological Purity’ bullshit again. In case you haven’t noticed, the corporatist Democrats refuse to give progressives a god damned thing- pushing Perez into the race because they won’t even give the progressives an olive branch by allowing one of us to even have a win