
God almighty- I think former food service employees are more scarred than the ruler-slapped kids that attend those Catholic schools with the mean nuns. I also breathlessly await these posts.

If corporations are people, then they should have to pay the same taxes people do.

Exactly how many stars do I need to get to be taken out of the grey zone? WTF? I've been commenting here for years...

Now when I look for restaurants on google, I always include a "-yelp" flag.

A short one:

Actually, I think seeding the internet with easily disproven hoaxes serves two valuable purposes:

Though, to be fair, a white person saying another white person isn't racist isn't proof that they are, especially since the charges against Ms Rancic are total bullshit.

She called the starlet in question a dirty hippie. People do this all the time.

Google "patchouli dreadlocks -soap -Rancic" and what do you get? A

Seems like that hoody might be a bit of a liability. Peripheral vision and all.

Isn't it obvious that she was calling her a hippie stoner, and not making any reference at all to race, whatsoever?

Always happy to help out.

I can't imagine why someone would hold a college in low esteem after they fairly recently rioted in defense of child molesters. Believing your pervy coach should be allowed to fuck as many little kids as he likes because he's a good football coach kinda makes you lower than whale shit at the bottom of the ocean in my

In all fairness, while the ButtWiper is a terrible beer, I am getting mightily sick and fucking tired of beer made by mustachio'd trustifarians that tastes like a fucking pie.

I'm on the Bittman Vegan Before Six thing, which is maybe the smartest nutritional guide in the world. My whole family, one way or another, is in the restaurant business, and while I am not, I still love cook.

I also grew up cooking like a 90 poor french grandmother- where you keep the bones and vegetable skins and

" I've actually seen a human being argue with a straight face that a vegetarian diet was inherently classist, which...I mean, I don't need to take time to refute why that's ludicrous, right?"

Unless, of course, there was a judgement that people that were not vegetarian are somehow morally inferior. You don't see that a

I know I should be angry, but I'm more hangry that NorCal has the lamest soul food in the world.

Holy shit, I would send you money in payment for the gales of hysterical laughter the penguin vs kung fu master have given me.

Thank you, so very, very much.

You might want to fix that typo where you put Thin Mints at the top.

No more than people not pronouncing the "K" in knife.

Well, only if you talk about Bailey's. I got some Bulleitt Rye in my coffee right now.

It's like herpes is mad at syphilis for dating the crabs.