dating in New York as a 30-something executive in private equity
dating in New York as a 30-something executive in private equity
I am a hot woman. I don’t have a name because I never needed one because I’m so hot. (Like a lot of hot women, I…
This is a significantly worse trade than the Chris-Paul-to-Los-Angeles trade that the NBA stepped in and vetoed several years ago.
Maybe. If the Warriors plane crashes over the Rocky Mountains, sure.
Brady is to sophisticated thinking as Hernandez was to peer mediation.
Go Falcons.
“I haven’t paid much attention. I’m just a positive person.”
This is all very unfair to poor Sage Steele. She makes it clear it’s not herself she’s worried about—it’s all the OTHER flyers (some of them immigrants too, by golly by gum!) who were being inconvenienced for whom Sage Steele’s heart wept. And all because some untidy and obstreperous liberals got a little upset about…
I ref squirt and peewee leagues. ($36 per game). Even 10-year-old defensemen get salty. I gave a misconduct to a kid for calling me a “fucking asshole” when I caught him buttending an opponent on a faceoff. Since these kids can’t and shouldn’t drop the gloves, you have to drop the hammer. I gave him a major penalty…
I don’t have anywhere else to put Kellyanne’s shitty Eagles tweets so here are a few of them:
I am humbled and gratified that this comment received 2,500 stars.
Goddammit why can’t Deadspin just stick to spor
Oh, a Blue Jays post? Don’t mind if I do.
It’s Cavs season. Let’s focus on the now.
How is he going to watch Yankees games now?!
I hate when these people start rioting and destroying their own neighborhoods...
The worst part happened when he discovered that Aaron Rodgers wasn’t actually inside the TV.
We’ve got a long history of diversity and welcoming people to our community.”
A traitor to the country is a Great American according to Mississippi.
In the South a traitor is considered a Great American.