
The most fun I had playing world of warcraft, was playing an RP server. I tried the whole grindfest to get to the endgame to faceroll model, I couldn’t make it to the level cap I got so bored with it.

In the RP server, I was a lvl 1 nightelf druid. I would WALK around azeroth, and create my own story with other

Man you have no idea.

So many memories, most of them good. But I do have to say it was fun going back years later with a level 80-whatever Death Knight and soloing the place.

And it took something like 6 months before Onxyia was even taken down, much less Ragnaros. I remember dancing in Orgrimmar when the head of Onyxia would pop up.

I think you really hit the nail on the head.

Holy fuck this article gave me chills... Very well written. I’m a Cata baby so I don’t possess the nostalgia that the grizzled vets have, but I can completely understand it.

Nice piece. I like the acknowledgement that the disconnect in experience between now and the past has just as much to do with the person as it does with the game. I have fond memories of the grueling wonder that preceded the ever increasing accessibility too, but it was still grueling. I think a lot of the people who

I totally agree. Looking at the “last online” and/or trying to find a long lost friend or guild only to find out they’re gone is like losing someone in real life. Quite depressing really...

What a great piece of writing. One of the people said that what they are looking for in these private vanilla servers is not the old WoW and their old way of lives. This is so true, I never played WoW but I played Guild Wars a lot when I was in High school (05-09) I got home and would sit down in my PC and play it

There is one biiiiig fail about Dungeon finders in games like Wow and FF 14

George Lucas is the LAST thing to be worried about with this game. I PLAYED the demo ...

Is it still cool to rip on the prequels? Yes, they had bad acting. Yes, they had unbelievable plot points. So did the original trilogy. The only difference between the prequels and the original trilogy is the children that watched the ordinals became jaded pricks and wouldn't accept anything Lucas did with the series.