Slærp Mon Troont

The Chuck hater in me was relieved to see that even with the lights on, he's still an asshole.

I interpreted his warning about the steps as an opportunity for Chuck to be needlessly pedantic. He also made a few comments about the nature of the damage to the door, which any decent handyman should have been able to immediately recognize.

Yes, but if you are a smoker, you're not a character on a TV drama rich with symbolism.

Kim knows Jimmy's cigarettes are awful and smokes with him anyway.

It took Kim half a day and at least one call to a law professor to figure out what Chuck and Howard knew instantaneously about the inadmissibility of the tape. I love Kim, but it sure does highlight her relative lack of expertise as compared to the big boys at HHM.

Of all the "awful" things you've listed above, the most petty, and the most inhumane was not telling Jimmy that his dying mother asked for him. What was the worst thing Jimmy had done to Chuck in that moment? Left Chuck alone while Jimmy went to buy him a fucking sandwich? It was, at that moment, that I lost respect

Here's the real compelling question from this week's episode: What did Saul do with the $1.81 in change he got from Los Pollos Hermanos between the time he left and the time that he didn't have a dollar for Kim?

I wouldn't say it's certain that Don wrote the commercial, but I agree that that's certainly the implication. I just find it highly unsatisfying that after Don's pilgrimage in search of anything meaningful, his obvious contempt for the structure of creative at McCann, and his heartfelt goodbye to Peggy that he'd

Not even remotely a coincidence that this episode aired on Mother's Day.