
The main reason I go to this review anymore is your Fitz-Update. I like that I'm not the only who sees how awesome he is.

The old boring Major just hit the road.

What's with the random zero when your wrote Arr0w. Ctrl + F it, you'll find what I'm taking about.

FASTER (It's the Flash)

I was the 20th upvote on that comment. Your wish has been granted.

So The Streaker finally became The Flasher.
Wait… I think I was watching something completely different

I don't think so but he was on Flashforward (ABC) when it got the axe. Do people just not like John Cho?

This review has everything. References to Happy Endings and Better Off Ted! What more do you need?

As you see, none of Mario Pepper's shoes had a shine to them, leaving them all with a dull lustre. One might say dull as the end of a blunt dagger.

Coming soon to NBC. Chicago EMT