
"but it was lacking a certain conviction, and even Cass seemed unsure of himself."

If there's a hell, the Twitter creators will be eye fucked for eternity.

"If you are pretending that Western colleges have a huge rape problem"

"How do you know what I would accept?"

There's all kinds of shit that we can't really chew on until it's in our mouths.

It isn't an insult, is the thing. And, frankly, the attempt to turn it into one is fucking stupid. "You care about shit!? HAH! Fucking loser. Just swallow your shit like the rest of us!"

None that you'd accept.

As irritating? Sure. As damaging? Nah.

Who the fuck asked for this? Aside from Ed Sheeran?

Nah, it'll be us. It'll be entirely our fault.

Welp, we'll see how it shakes out after the second Civil War (which I'm convinced is coming). As of now? We stopped being a unified country some time ago, and our shortsightedness will be our downfall. And that downfall is coming.


"Haha! That's some hard denial. From someone who doesn't support either party, it's easy to spot the bias."

"The actual media clogs the internet with "Trump couldn't get a hotel
room at G20!" articles, instead of focusing on all the actual shit Trump
and co is doing."

"How many liberal leaning news channels are there? 20+?"

"The MSM is the liberal press. Conservative media is not the mainstream."

You seem to be very hung up on this "alt-right" thing. Any reason?

"Yes, the MSM is really in control. Nothing wrong there."

Funny, I see absolutely nothing about the Right in that screed up there. Aside from token "both sides do it" language in a couple of spots.

"Try reading his comment, and using your brain to think about what he's saying."