
He is correct.

Eh, I think it was to give the Animal Kingdom some relevance. Apparently it didn't do too well.

This motherfucker can't die soon enough for me. Hate this fucker with an unprecedented passion.

Eh, I caught it in 3D, while nicely toasted. Hated it. The visuals are nice, but the story is fucking lame. Sam Worthington is an "actor" only in the most literal sense of the word, and the villain may as well have been named Aggro McWarlover.

Esther didn't miss shit with Titanic.

…irredeemable friends?

I'm worried about neither.

They now have Twitter. Point stands.

On the one hand, modern undergrads are goddamned insufferable. At best.

1. Mahal's scowl is at an 11, and I need it to be about an 8.

I haven't been able to get through a full episode in months. The roster is more stacked than ever, and the writing/booking is so fucking one-note that I don't care.

People gonna be pissed when they realize that he leans conservative.

FILED TO: Fuggoff, you thirsty manchild

What was that about being rude?

No. You didn't. At all. In any sense of the word.

"Is it fair that a man who worked hard and sacrificed to be rich is critical of others who don't do the same but want the same?"

You have the next comment to say something interesting. If not, you're blocked. Simple.

"You aren't thinking. You replied to a dude who was thinking with some
mealy-mouthed, lame response because you couldn't answer his points.
Not 'didn't want to,' mind you. Couldn't. Full stop.

You aren't thinking. You replied to a dude who was thinking with some mealy-mouthed, lame bullshit because you couldn't answer his points. Not "didn't want to," mind you. Couldn't. Full stop.

I tried a conversation. You either can't have one or you refuse to. So, yeah, insults. Fuck off, dipshit troll. Read some literature from people who actually understand the points you're trying to make.