
"An alternative tack, at least if you’re on the internet, is to not engage in the conversation entirely."

Wait, what? Which part?

I've done it. The key is to find the logic in the character. Everyone fancies themselves to be on the side of the angels. Once you find out the character's reason for thinking that way, it's easier to step into the role.

Yep. She presents news as if she's lead prosecutor in a courtroom.

Can't. She's the incoming Miss Cleo.

I don't know that it's possible to get much whiter.

Oughtta go over well.

"Chad Coleman returns as the cheerfully disreputable Z, stealing Frank’s
thunder by calling out “What’s up, my niggas?” before Frank can."

And they wouldn't manage to fucking sync it up right.

"Also, as much as Jacksonville is clearly into this week’s show, they
have a hard time coordinating chants, especially during the contract
signing. Do better."

"He should be the unafraid, cocky champion more often."

"More than anything, I'm really, REALLY tired of the "shut up and listen"
concept in general. It's antithetical to a political viewpoint that
purports to be inclusive, reason-based and fair-minded."

"One person 'shutting up and listening' is not a conversation. It's a
lecture, which is possibly the worst way to learn anything under the
best circumstances. Open, useful communication has to be a two way
street- how does one side even begin to dispel stereotypes and
misconceptions if they're just assuming that's

Like…HOW? How is that a thing!?

Train, Does Led Zeppelin II

Present a good one and I will.

Short for "youth tuber." They're tender!

"Plus, saying that piling on Dunham automatically lumps you in with the women-haters is too easy, lacks nuance, and is untrue."

Eh, I'm not seeing much in the way of outrage (subjective, of course). I'm seeing more stuff along the lines of "Well, yeah, Lena Dunham would say exactly that."

I'm all for talking to ideologues of any and all stripes. I'm tired of validating those who act like VoicOff, and unilaterally apply labels like they're in fourth fucking grade.