I know this is not the way any person consumes Netflix anymore, but you can get the subscription to DVD mailing and the catalog is all there.
I know this is not the way any person consumes Netflix anymore, but you can get the subscription to DVD mailing and the catalog is all there.
GRRM has no motivation to finish the book and just is going to live the high life until he dies and can pass his book outline to Brandon Sanderson or someone like that to finish. Pretty baller move if you ask me.
It’s true, he doesn’t legally owe his fans shit, but surely even you can acknowledge that he doesn’t have the balls to finish his work. He can. He just isn’t brave enough to do it. He doesn’t know how to wrap it all up because he wrote himself into a hole so deep that he buried himself. And that’s fine. He doesn’t owe…
I think it is a dishonest reading of both this article and the ongoing no pages series to read it as a demand on GRRM. It is a light-hearted, slightly absurdist take on his legendarily slow progress. If your standard for not being able to have fun with a topic is that despicable assholes on the internet will take it…
Touch of Greyscale
That makes you about 97% more serious than this running joke.
yes this is a much healthier attitude than an ongoing comedic series about his progress
Finishing the books hasn’t been his priority in more than a decade.
A star point guard who relied on driving into the paint who looks like a shell of the player he was after injuries.
[Enter Ice T]
Suns Browbeaten
Zoe Bell was one of my first indicators that there was something deeply wrong with nerds. Death Proof comes out, I’m like “Holy shit, this broad is awesome! She’s obviously badass but she has tons of personality, and she does her own stunts! This could be the start of a great action career!” Whether or not she gave me…
Libertarianism is Astrology for douchebags.
You misunderstood me; I’m not going to go into WestLaw to search for Sotomayor’s injunction ending the “strike”, or the CA2's approval of her order, or explain to you why this effectively meant the US Judiciary sided with the players. Call me back when you get law and Econ degrees, “kiddo”
that’s one of the worst towns.
Forget it, Jake
I can’t get over the kerfluffle a couple years ago when they had suppliers who were regularly sending along apparently either expired or downright spoiled product. Everyone was getting Soylent powder that apparently tasted pretty rank... and this was well after they were fairly established.