Thrown Roe

MAGA chuds creating elaborate black lodge fan theories to own the libs.

In one of the Hitchhiker Guide books, Douglas Adams discusses at length how the British have decided to eat the most miserable possible sandwiches to atone for their culture’s sins...

Up against the wall, bourgeois scum

This law exists in Seattle. Tipping continues in Seattle. Find another angle, restaurant owner lobbyists of america.

There’s a lot of competition to make a quality burger. Beyond your baseline fast food, you have the slightly upscale chains trying to make a premium burger, like Five Guys or Shake Shack or Meatheads. And then there’s every bar with a kitchen in existence, some of which actually attempt to focus on food. Is this

Every aspect of this movie you’ve described sounds horrible. James Carville, Alec Baldwin, Ethan Hawke, Mike Myers, and Ashton Kutcher offer their thoughts on Elvis and a tortured man-as-america analogy? Jesus christ.

When step 1 of the critic aggregation process is to flatten a potentially mixed review into a binary Good-or-Bad rating, you are not going to end up with a very nuanced result just by including a bunch of reviews. If a theoretical movie (let’s call it “Avatar”) happened to impress every critic with its visuals so much

The sudden recognition on seeing it in the list: this was the last episode of me regularly watching the show.

What the fuck. How would that even be cool if it had happened as you imagined it. This is fucking bonkers.

That Pusherman montage you called out is so good. I can see why the authorities were not big fans, basically it’s a diverse crowd of people having a good time on coke.

How many days was Billy going by “William”? Did his publicist officially rescind the command to call him William, or simply go back to calling him Billy in their press releases?

In vanilla, unmodded Europa Universalis 3, if you have a colony in an area with natives, you can press a button that says “attack natives”. The local troops attack and the native population goes down. True to history? Sure. But maybe don’t put a “commit genocide” action into your game, if you’re at all concerned about

John, calm down buddy

Never forget that John Popper became so mad, nude, and red online that he started tweeting aerial photos of some guy’s house from the Blues Traveler official account.

Street Fight Radio was talking about doing this,viewing it as just compensation for the supermarket having offloaded their checkout labor costs to the consumer. Everything rings up bananas, baby!

Tripling down on being wrong, I gotta respect it.

Say what you will about Juicero, the results of its widespread implementation was not going to actually kill people.

Yeah, that came out in the DNC email hack. Even after Theranos had been exposed publicly as fraudulent, Chels is still stumping to get Elizabeth Holmes on stage with Team HRC at a fundraiser lol.

I’ll take Articles Definitely Not Written by Deadspin’s Resident Armstrong Stan for $200, Alex

Ah, that classic netflix promotional scheme where you produce a movie by John Woo and then don’t tell anybody about it. Truly, the content revolution is upon us.