Thrown Roe

Beer industry lobbying to keep weed illegal is probably the most hypocritical, assholish thing they're doing, and they get much deserved backlash from their customers when that activity is publicized. The actions of your corporate overlords matter, fellow consumers!

Those are some nice burns up there, going both ways. Pointing out The Killers lamely ripped off the Strokes to much greater commercial success? A solid twist of the knife. Sadly, this feud cannot be effectively escalated without Julian actually posting in response :(

I can't imagine your grandfather could have looked much older than Moore in A View to a Kill! Something about pairing him with Grace Jones and opposite Christopher Walken seemed to make Bond absolutely ancient in that movie.

Bond films seem to go through cycles, where there is an urge to top the setpieces and gadgets that came in the movie before. Pretty soon, you've cluttered the whole thing up with product placement, invisible cars, and orbiting space lasers, so you have to wipe the slate clean and "get back to basics." It's no

Tom Jones's Thunderball is much better than the film, too

Oh I almost forgot they got the original Bond girl to be in it! And have nothing funny to say!

It is ungodly bad, yet with talented people both acting and directing. Like a proto-Austin Powers, if every joke just absolutely bombed and the people making it didn't bother to write transitions from one scene to the next. Orson Welles as Le Chifre! Nothing funny to do!

you've seen Never say Never Again, where they swapped out video game arcade cabinets for baccarat from the Thunderball script, right? Bond's always been faddish, and if you don't believe that I have a star wars derived laser gun shoot out to show you

Definitely, the average quality of a Dalton Bond is much higher than, say, a Moore Bond. The Living Daylights cracks my top 5.

Does the real Bond play Baccarat? Or does he play some wonky holographic arcade game that shocks your hands if you are losing? Both are viable ways to demonstrate his superior manhood against the villain!

The book is nerd-pandering trash, unable to go a paragraph without an 80's reference and ALSO unable to let the reference stand without explaining to you, the reader, that a reference has been made to one of the most popular pop cultural commercial properties of all time. A smarter book might have thought of something

MTV, the content channel, was dictating to MTV News what they could and could not publish because the channel wanted to do a project with Chance.

Aaron Judge is an exciting, amazing talent which we will be lucky to witness.

Hell yeah, THIS is the TV event of the summer we have have all been waiting for! So psyched to get my Kev on. We’re going to have a watch party for the premiere and dress in character.

Wait till you find out about this Ice-T guy, I hear he literally supports cop murder.

The important thing is that all labor negotiates downward on their value, when dealing with ownership. Everyone ends up happy!

"Apparently also genuine is Malick’s overall lack of interest in the mechanics of the music industry, or even of basic musical creativity: Fassbender stands in for basically the entirety of the former, while some acoustic and piano noodling from Mara and Gosling passes for the latter."

Gosh if only there were some ludicrously overpaid opinion writers they could redirect resources from

Is a status quo of 23 million uninsured a "thoughtfully considered policy position", or evidence of a compromised dem party so diminished in expectations they can't even plot a course to a human right the rest of the industrial world established 60+ years ago?

Hate to see cultural opinion here at the AV Club, of all places