
Except we knew even LESS about Sephiroth at this point in the original game, and Zack was introduced with exactly zero explanation there as well. The original game was “newbie unfriendly” in literally exactly the same way.

I don’t care if FF7 is multiple parts. This just means more FF7 and the next parts on better hardware. To me, it’s just a win-win. 

The dig at FFVII is really unnecessary. I wouldn’t call the more in-depth storytelling “Filler” or “Padding”

Some of these nakers will never admit to any wrong doing.

whose actions directly caused the deaths of three policemen criminals wearing badges and injury to another.

And has the nerve to be running with not a damn thing on offer.

Here is my comment, white person reading this. Go back up and read this essay again. Think about it. Then don’t say shit, because truly you ain’t got shit to say.

I have played FF7 approx 35 times in the last 22 years of my life, I’m not playing FF7R expecting FF7, I’m playing FF7R for a BRAND NEW VISION of the game I played 22 years ago.

I do not appreciate being lumped in with this type of bullshit when they talk about the Black vote. I actually value my vote to expect something for it. Biden has jack and shit to offer us.

All evidence huh? Really?

I respect the black voters choice in South Carolina but it saddens me that we remain so forgiving and loyal to someone like Joe Biden, one of the key architects of the crime bill and the resulting carnage it inflicted on the Black community. If this is ‘pragmatic politics’, then exactly what does that style of

Biden is a fucking loser. He can’t win, he won’t win. What is he offering? Rides on Obama’s coattails?

Govt.: These people might be radicalized against America.

That transforming gun? Sick.

It’s long overdue that the spotlight been placed on these horrific acts. Enough of the “that happened a long time ago/get over it” bullshit mentality.  No, we done doing it your way, fuck ya!

i cant wait for the day when i read his name is followed by “was grisly murdered during a fight he started”

Michael Harriot: Secretary of Education 

I do the exact opposite; I stand up as soon as the plane takes off