
Whenever I see her lips moving all I hear is poot poot poot anyway...

If you watch carefully, you can see her react to each emission separately in turn.

This will warm your heart on the coldest of days.

I’ve heard that the show plans to address it, which I think is pretty fantastic, supportive, and could lead to some bold, progressive storylines that I certainly hope includes a great Umbrella Academy dance sequence.

I’m curious if he’ll be going back to past\ongoing roles. Umbrella Academy has a third season coming at some point, I don’t know if production has started, will he be back and still playing a woman? Desssing as female made them uncomfortable, is he willing to put on a wig and go back to that or just drop it and find

Exactly, regardless of her looks (although really, the make up is...unfortunate...), her expression and behaviour tell us she’s not a good person. Urgh.

She didn’t get lucky in the looks department. Eyes are small and close together. Mouth is small and lipless. Clearly for her 50 also = a few extra pounds that have settled around her neck.

why would she go so heavy on the eyeliner and so small on the lips?  was she going for 21st century Betty Boop?  That is just such a bizarre look

And now we know whatever happened to Baby Jane...

if her daughter also looks like that, that would be sadder than all the bullshit this girl is going to have to deal with because of her mom’s insanity

that’s what I call “50 in city miles”

That is the eye make up of an unhinged lunatic. 

She said strippers, not prostitutes. And whether or not they are “bad” isn’t the question. But anyone under 18 stripping or in prostitution is a crime and the adults in charge of that go on a list to protect other youth from them.

Ok, so I said stripper, and you said prostitute. Do you think strippers are bad? Do you think all strippers are prostitutes? Do I ask questions like they are accusations?

My neighbors have a seven year old who participates, and I really have to restrain the mental judgements I make when I see their daughter’s pictures on Facebook.

FWIW stripper isn’t = prostitute....

Soccer dads... I played for roughly 15 years in my youth. I had talent, I was an all star player that could have played in college had I not burned out. I remember one particular coach we had, who was also the dad of one of our players and he would get kicked out of nearly every game for trying to fight the refs or

Before I had a kid, I thought soccer moms were the worst.  Then, I came across softball dads, and thought they were the worst.  Then I came across cheer moms...

I don’t think it’s unique to them. Dance moms, volleyball moms, soccer dads, Little League dads. Some parents are too invested in their kids’ activities.

Don’t get me started on competitive cheer. Those moms (and some dads) are batshit - partly because the cost of competitive cheer is batshit, and the costumes can be very revealing. Some cheer associations have cracked down a bit on the costumes. That hasn’t stopped the crazy.