
Man you must really love your dad. Mine is an asshole. When he befouls his own bathroom in his dotage he’s on his own.

I had told him his overcompensatey optimism was irritating to me and that was his response.

I told him he was annoying and ridiculous. I should have told him to fuck off, you’re right.

Okay but they’re actually good, and Shirley was a working musician in Scotland. Also Butch Vig produced Nevermind and loads of other era defining shit so I don’t have a problem with them. I love Shirley Manson and I think she’s not given enough credit for her artistic input in the band.

That’s really incredibly creepy.

The main thesis of this article is confusing.

Yeah. But man I fucking BELIEVED her on Jagged Little Pill. She really felt what she was singing and her vocals are actually distinctive and memorable.

And am I alone in thinking the vocals sound all the same? These weirdly affected sounding, strangely articulated whisper core people or whatever it’s called. Like Billy Eilish as vocalist sounds to me like any other semi edgy but mainstream chick out right now. I guess kind of an elaboration on “sad vacant girl

This is why I have a hard time not being deeply annoyed by Pollyanna type relentlessly optimistic people. This dipshit I know that loves to send me his completely unsolicited workout stats tried to get me to see the bright side of Hitler: “well he was right about small cars and vegetarianism!” Fucking HITLER.

Probably to saddle his wife with all the unpaid domestic labor so he can do Political Man Stuff.

My dad’s new favorite is “don’t be so delicate.”

My father flies into terrifying rage if I say anything at all. So I just have to take all of it (I’m tied to him for financial reasons due to medical issues.)

I completely agree. The pacing gets weird and a lot of plotlines dry up.

I thought she looked a little thin/unwell the last season of Peaky Blinders but I assumed it was just good character work.

Tone deafness and also weird takes on stuff 

I know I’ll get some hate for this, but you’re a dick if you get a dog and just as quickly get rid of it because of the completely foreseeable situation of one of your kids getting a little sniffly. It’s a really shitty thing to do to an animal.

You mean XX? 

Thigh gaps have way more to do with the angle of your femur to your pelvis and the width of your hips than your weight.

God those Brazilian butt lifts look stupid

She has a different body type from Gal Godot.