Man, take a look at that picture. Other issues aside, he’s pretty much the Platonic ideal of a date rapist.
Man, take a look at that picture. Other issues aside, he’s pretty much the Platonic ideal of a date rapist.
Yep. His supporters don’t give a fuck; if anything his rapey behavior towards women is a bonus feature.
Let’s be safe and just have Species Reveal Parties. We shouldn’t cross that threshold for a few more generations.
Agreed. I was using the term pretty glibly and binary-centric is much more nuanced. There was even an episode of Grace and Frankie where they tried to acknowledge this issue in a “it’s the child’s gender until she tells us otherwise” kind of way.
I am choosing to believe that this was total chance and the act of a good person, but will also not be surprised at all if it turns out her cousin’s roommate’s weapon matches the bullet the ended up in the dog walker.
I think the deal (and that article is, as you note, unhelpful) is that they are sex reveals, not gender. The two are not the same, and we can’t know the gender.
The police have got to be watching and tailing this woman like a hawk now, right? Just waiting to see her launder the money to the 2 dog nappers in a couple weeks? Meeting up at a starbucks? A chipotle?
The bigger tragedy is that Gaga’s dog walker had little to no health insurance.
I suppose it’s not IMPOSSIBLE that these guys realized whose dogs they had kidnapped and that they were essentially public enemy number 1 for doing so, and decided to cut their losses. But yeah, it does make me raise my eyebrow a bit too.
Wow we really went from “Great line of dialogue, thanks for helping me encapsulate some really difficult feelings” to “LOL no Marvel is stoopid” in record time, huh?
Yes , that is how things are in LA. There’s a surprisingly huge population of at least slightly recognizable people so everyone here is bound to have a story about something crazy happening that also involves someone famous (also, gated communities are fairly rare everywhere east of Calabasas, celebs’ environs are…
If you take anything from that Bill maher episode it should be that Bill thinks wearing a mask is bad for you, not that megyn kelly is megyn kelly, but I will say making a kindergarten class in ny send letters to the cleveland baseball club about their name is stupid as hell.
He’s also a trans man and a truscum. Pioneering in the porn industry, and a real piece of shit.
The initial gossip yesterday was that Ryan Fischer was shot four times but it’s been clarified numerous times he was shot once in the chest. Jez doesn’t seem to have checked their sources. Quelle surprise.
Holy crap, they shot him 4 times and he still managed to prevent from taking the 3rd dog AND he’s gonna make a full recovery? I have questions as well. Did they only shoot him in the arms and legs? Was it the adrenaline rush that allowed him to cling onto the 3rd dog long enough until the dognappers had to retreat? Is…
Thanks for clarifying who Buck Angel is so I didn’t Google them at work & get fired.
They’re the types that would be happy to cancel alleged communists if they were alive during the time of McCarthy.
“Failure of Gen X.” I’m not sure in what magical land a “success” could have happened. Or how you would define a “success.” People may change their views over the course of a lifetime, and some not at all. Cultures change even slower than individuals. Seems a bit unfair to blame Gen X just because they furthered the…