Steve Williams served as Tiger Woods’ caddy from 1999 to 2011, during which Woods dominated the PGA Tour, won 13 of…
Steve Williams served as Tiger Woods’ caddy from 1999 to 2011, during which Woods dominated the PGA Tour, won 13 of…
“I don’t have time” is universally understood shorthand for “I have taken on obligations that prevent me from being able to do this, whether by direct personal choice (I chose something incompatible), indirect choice (e.g., my school or career path temporarily or permanently reduces my free time forcing me to ration…
It strikes me her humor is neither lazy, subversive or anti-patriarchal. I think she just likes writing absurd situations and in that regard she does admirably well.
But your first instinct wasn’t to say, “This does nothing for me,” or “This seems lazy,” it was to go after the work because it tackled gender divisions through humor. Then you say there’s “nothing wrong with that”, while adding the backhanded remark that you’re sure there are “people who find that funny.”
Yeah, if you actually read any of it you’d realize women get made fun of just as much as anyone else. There’s examples of it on this very article. Because the goal is humor, not social justice. But I guess you saw Superman get made fun of once or twice and you just took the concept and ran with it?
But perhaps you should ask yourself why it bothers you. It certainly bugged you enough to comment on it.
I don’t really get what’s adorable here.
Do not throw a beer can
No, I’ve never heard of a 3-4 year unpaid internship for the most important employees in the company. Have you?
You show me a company where 100% of the product is produced by those interns. Go ahead.
I forgot how many interns suffered major injuries that lead to drastically reduced ability to earn in the future. Such a great comparison.
You know that “but here’s another bad thing that shouldn’t happen” is not a good counter to “this is a bad thing and shouldn’t happen”, right? Coz you kind of just did it.
And unpaid internships are going by the wayside because people have been taking them to court and winning. Nice try.
You think he’s right because you don’t want a bunch of mostly African-American teenagers to be able to use their skills and talent to make a living. Instead, you’d prefer that the overwhelmingly white coaches and administrators make millions of dollars off of their work and bodily harm.
You should get a hobby.
Citing how ridiculous some SF characters outfits are doesn’t negate how ridiculous this is. Though, all of the basic outfits you mentioned are more reasonable than this. Like, at least mention Hakan, Cammy, Skullomania, or Mika. Most of Mika’s designs make this looks sensible by comparison.
She’s basically wearing a Brazilian flag wrapped around her; that’s ridiculous enough as it is. heh. But on top of that, it’s also even more impractical for the kinds of moves she’s doing. Unless that top is an extension of her skin that she sewed on, it makes little sense.
She should probably be rockin a sports bra or undershirt. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a woman fighter without a sports bra of some sort.