I almost said these are the last I’ll post, but I can’t make that promise. There are so many and they all give me snorting giggles.
I almost said these are the last I’ll post, but I can’t make that promise. There are so many and they all give me snorting giggles.
Love this one! My personal favorite is the “get fucked, hooiser!” one, though. I die.
How odd is it that Billy was by FAR the most relevant Bush in the 2016 election?
And so fucking transparent. I don’t get how Republicans think they’re these smooth political operators. They remind me of my 4 year old nephew when he thinks he’s being really slick and sneaky and doing stuff behind the adults’ backs and he’s just so damn clumsy and obvious we can’t be bothered to stop him.
Holy fucking shit America. This is really where you are in 2016, with Donald Trump on the verge of terrorizing the world.
That’s because they’ve never heard my Hitler cover band, The Reich Stuff.
My favorite ad so far:
The thing about theatre and film and television is sometimes there are REASONS a role must be cast with a specific ethnicity. Like in Hamilton. They aren’t just arbitrarily deciding to ONLY cast non-white actors! There is a fucking reason! IT’S INTEGRAL TO THE FUCKING MESSAGE OF THE SHOW. The people who complained are…
Cue Tom Hanks-as-Chris-Wallace:
Good ole Nintendo, they never learned after releasing the Nintendo Cuck in 1994...
One beautifully subtle recent example of shade:
Elon Musk is actually my favorite billionaire- the projects and industries he is in are very forward thinking- he wants to get us off fossil fuels, he seeks to push space exploration.... He could’ve retired and just become an angel investor after PayPal, but he decided to throw all of his fortune into trying to…
The fact that it still need the person to click a link for the spyware to work. The link clicker become unwitting the security disabler, hence his/her quote.
This is a damn hipster problem. Wear those tight ass pants and kill your phone. Come over to the magical world of cargo shorts. I have room for my phone, a fax machine, a side of beef, a wallet, and interestingly enough, spare cargo shorts.
Personally, I found his tribute to Flight 370 incredibly touching.