
So it has begun.

“You’ll regret pissing off your star player. I guarantee it.”

Deadspin gets further and further from sports everyday. Don’t they know there are like 4 other gawker blogs this fits closer than “former athlete, so sports fans will give a shit”. Losing interest...

Swing and a miss at comedy. But I get it Schilling has different points of view on politics then me so he is the worst. Love the gawker minds at work.

Got a kick out of Bradford saying after the game that it was “nice to take a few hits and be able to get up and know it’s part of the game.” Even Sam Bradford assumes every tackle is going to end his season.

His record on the field is pretty clean. Off the field? That’s a whole other story.

What is Suggs bad record on field? Right nothing

Where can a defender hit the QB these days? Especially one who has basically declared himself in the moment as a RB and not a QB?

Firstly, is their any part of Sam Bradford’s body that isn’t just about to fall apart? What type of hit would be considerate given his past injuries? Helmet-to-helmet?

OK. What whiny-ass-baby team you root for?