
Oh, but it would have been weird and wonderful… *sheds single tear*

Yuuup. It's the only season I didn't watch to completion because I remember getting two episodes in and realizing that Raja was obviously going to win.


That's pretty fair. I would never judge anybody for liking a few Coldplay songs, but if they're one of your favorite bands you're a massive wuss.


Nice. Now can we get a a Highlander crossover?

I slammed 'er d-pad so hard I got nasty blister.

Or thinking, "oh shit, I probably killed some people. Maybe I'm actually not in a condition to drive".

Hopefully they find a suitable punishment, like forcing him to a roll an enormous boulder up a hill for the rest of his life while being punched continuously in the balls.

Oh god. I regularly flash back to that Limp Bizkit / Snoop one they did.

*Faints dead away*

More like Belle & SeTHRASHtian, as I've always said.

It's a shame the 2nd and 3rd albums are so (relatively) obscure, because I really think they just got better as they went. I've also been bingeing on Coil recently, and Almond has some pretty great guest spots scattered through there.

Don't get me wrong, "Tainted Love" is fantastic and that DONK DONK noise is iconic. And "Say Hello" is beautiful.

The hardest part is trying to explain to people that the best song on Non-Stop Erortic Cabaret is actually not called Tainted Love, but Sex Dwarf.

I was in some sort of computer animation class in school and one guy used the Tears for Fears version of the song as the background of one of his videos. My first comment after it ended and we started to discuss was basically "Thanks for not using the Gary Jules version!" *thumbs up*

I don't really have a problem calling bands like Orgy or NIN industrial, even if it's on the poppier side. What really blew my mind was one of the writers here referring to AFI as industrial. I mean, jesus christ.

Yeah, it does seem like the weird personal digressions in reviews have decreased significantly. Their biggest problem now is that fucking pretentious rating system. "We're so goddam savvy we can rate an album on a level of fractional amounts of goodness". Just multiply that crap by 10, you assholes.

Most of the early Pitchfork stuff that Ryan & Co. wrote is hilariously purple and awful, but I think a lot of people are still going off that impression when it's actually cleaned itself up a lot. Sure it's somewhat specialized, but that's not necessarily a problem. Just supplement it with other sites.

They should have put him in a glass jar on the mantelpiece.