
And what’s with the repeated insistence on “chopped up” greens?

I hate to question the validity of this tale. But this does not seem realistic. Just like the idea that rice at weddings hurts birds has been proven to be a myth, birds eat expandable grains in the wild all the time. MAYBE instant oatmeal would be different? But they eat seeds and grains and rice in the wild, and they

So this is a variation on the “raw rice” for weddings nonsense.

Could it be, that you were reading reddit and saw the “do not feed us bread” guide? :-D

a reference to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as “a wonderful, young bartender”

Always go with unknowingly. The man is an idiot. He's your president but really mostly because he's very rich. You too can become very rich when you cheat, lie and fuck people over.

I doubt Trump could name any other Israeli politician. He doesn’t read, and it’s not like Lieberman or Bennett or Shaked are household names in the US. If he’s even heard of Gantz or Lapid it was when Netanyahu was bad-mouthing them I’m sure. 

This is the correct approach. Keep the choice but endure the consequences.

Also, vaccines are not a “false” sense of security, they are an “actual fucking sense of security because they fucking work.”

Sadly, science and facts are unable to pierce the cocoon of ignorance surrounding these assholes.

This on the day that the latest large scale study of the MMR vaccine and autism shows that kids vaccinated had a 6-7% LESS chance of autism. Anti-Vaxxers pwned again!

Your unvaccinated kid shouldn't be allowed on an airplane let alone a public school. 

Indeed there are some quotes that when I hear them and an in depth analysis doesn’t follow I assume the person is a dumb parrot who says stuff because he heard others say it and it sounded cool.

Sen. @RandPaul on vaccines: “I still do not favor giving up on liberty for a false sense of security.”

Oh, Paul seemed all into the personal freedom when he took a trip to Canada to utilize cheaper socialist medicine.

“POLICE! POLICE! Where are the socialism-provided police when I need them??”

It’s weird, because his neighbor gave him a big dose of personal freedom and he didn’t seem all that in to it.

Someone should really tell him that Franklin was literally, explicitly arguing in court for the right of the government to tax their citizens and the duty of the citizens to pay those taxes - and excoriating rich people for trying to fucking dodge their tax bill.

More importantly Rand Paul, an actual medical doctor, does not understand herd immunity.  Vaccinating your kids is great.  Letting everyone else skip it is a terrible idea as the current measles outbreak shows.

And Rand Paul demonstrates that he—like so goddamned many others—is capable of completely misinterpreting the point of Franklin’s oft-quoted (and oft-misused) aphorism concerning the relationship of liberty to security (or the appearance thereof).

We know vaccines work. Choosing to not vaccinate a child because of a(n