Lol right ..this shit is sad he should be glad dosnt his similar dance ingame get him attentions if not its not his squads be ware dont do any moves were some racd claims it
Lol right ..this shit is sad he should be glad dosnt his similar dance ingame get him attentions if not its not his squads be ware dont do any moves were some racd claims it
Or they cant get it eny other way
Bull shit
Sad the state of this world you all can bully everyone to do your bidding your sad
Sorry but no i love bixby hes a great asset like yesterdday ..watvhing a movie in the bath tub i had my blutooth speaker to loud with one camand i had him turn down my speaker three notches and didnt have to get out of the tub and soke my floor the phone exc. People who arnt using bixby are missing out imo....i do…
Becouse they move in mainland when food is low or its very windy and stormy at the beach and also people feed them and toss half eaten food we should apritiated there help not be assholes
And your a walking one so there much cooler sorry
Then put.a new port in it
I like galaxys layout better and u can swap it on my note 8