
Wait, so the extremist SJW in your example basically just... correctly predicts the GG’s reaction? :P I’m... not sure how that makes the hypothetical SJW there wrong, or extremist...

While i think “Bad writing” is a valid complaint, its also kind of hard to take seriously when it seems to only be brought up with this kind of fervor when it pertains to diversity in video games. Bad writing is just a thing that happens a lot of the time in games. You just shake your head and move on.

Yet because Internet arguments are arguments of extremes, there can’t be any compromise or middle ground. It’s assimilate or die.

If, in the real world, you encounter a trans person in a building with fewer than 333 people in it, this is not necessarily “tokenism”. More likely, you just happened to be in a place where a trans person happened to be. Similarly, I strongly suspect that, if you added up all the characters from all computer games and

There is no such thing as a politically neutral point of view.

I’d say get sterilized, but I know you’re just another fat, neckbearded virgin who’ll never get laid. So keep being a huge douche bag, it’s better for the genetic pool.


“you people”

To Kill A Mockingbird, Native Son, The Jungle, The Grapes of Wrath, Oliver Twist, Huckleberry Finn — Yep, the creative process is definitely never “directed by a social agenda”.

Anyone who seriously uses the term “SJW” as a pejorative is not worth any more effort than a top-level comeback.

Actually it is. Being conscious of what exactly it is you are writing is a part of being a creative professional.

You’re right, you not understanding the meaning of words is my fault. Man, I gotta go back to argumentation school.

It kinda is though. She can write whatever she wants. Back to the dictionary, maybe?

Fuck yourself, bigot.

LOL fuck out of here with a link to Breitbart

Game Maker: “We have listened to fan complaints and have changes some aspects of our game accordingly.”