
I agree with that.

Again, none of which my family took part in.

I don't understand why I should feel guilty for something that happened while my ancestors were getting shat upon in eastern Europe.

You guys, let's just all get some margaritas and rent Ride Along!

After reading this article I went over to Netflix to take Mandela out of my queue, but when I got there I remembered I had already taken it out because I heard the movie wasn't worth seeing.

Call of Duty?

This one is specific for Bethesda, but I was hoping you could ask them about Fallout 4 and when it's coming out and why are they wasting their time at E3 when they could be working on Fallout 4?

Follow up: if your game's main character could be any sandwich, which sandwich would they be?

Follow up for Pitchford: "You do realize that making a video talking about how your team loves Aliens and can't wait to make an Aliens game and that the Aliens game your team is making is going to be fantastic and then ship the game off to three other developers who turn in one of the worst games ever, that does

Except that when given a reasonable budget and creative control, he still turned in Mob City.

Except that they likely did it to force Darabont out because he was ruining their cash cow, a decision I agree with 100%, and which time has borne out to be the right one.

"In the United States, the series premiere achieved a viewership of 5.35 million, making it the most-watched series premiere in its network's history."

I did notice that the storytelling became less consistent when Darabont left in that it became less consistently boring.

Except for the fact that once he left the show, it immediately got less boring. The season 2 finale was better than every episode that came before it.

But….but…..what about Star Tours?

Also his scripts were pretty boring.

I'm only halfway through season 2 on Netflix (I'm watching according to the chronological order), and it's still going strong, unfortunately.

I thought everything but the movies and Rebels was non-canon now.

Can we please retconn out all uses of the worst nickname of all time, "Snips?" I cringe every time I hear that.