

AAAAAand still no Wonder Woman movie.

Nobody cares.

If only Morrissey and ICP would agree to record an album together, we would have a year's worth of great news stories.

Dude, get a fucking life.

Why is there not a show where Robert Patrick and Bill Paxton are baddasses who do badass things for 45 minutes?

TBS: Where Jokes Go To Die!

But boss…what about 25?

I would also add that The Kids in the Hall are on a reunion tour; I'm pretty sure we could get at least a mini-series out of them.

I don't understand why they thought they could sustain another network considering that most of their programming, even in prime time, consists of just running Bad Boys 2 on a loop.


I don't see what the big deal is, I watched that episode last month and it is still one of my favorites.

Maybe they ran into Pootchie.

E! - fart noise.

You know Scrooge McDuck's money vault?

Chris is going to hang out with Roy.

Here, have all the downvotes.

Wait…people still watch Family Guy?

Nothing proves how mature and above us all you are like a circle jerk comment.

From what I remember, the problem was with the cars being ridiculously expensive to buy using in-game currency, even with DLC cars that you purchased with real money.