
I was looking for a cheap, semi-reliable commuter car to replace my aged (235k+ mile) 1993 Explorer. Rolled into a Mazda dealership in Renton, WA and it turns out they just received a trade in the day prior, a 2008 Mazda 3 sedan with under 100k miles in seemingly good condition.

Sounds like a Bernie-Ecclestone-bad-idea to help “spice up” the racing weekend.

Do you get nods of approval, or sneers of contempt?

Also, I’m not trying to be a dick my my comment. I’d probably err or getting my kid a safer car, then installing a dashcam that I could review periodically to assess their driving (AND GROUND THE LITTLE SHIT IF CATCH THEM TEXTING AND DRIVING!!!!). Of course parents want their kids to be safe.

True. Like @cptspinach said, it really enforces the importance of defensive driving. Not ever accident is defensible, so it may incentivize the kid driver to take alternate, less-risky routes. That’s what I did my first year or two of driving. Also, my parents would let me drive their newer-car (mini van!) if I needed

Or show this video to a 16-year old, hand them the keys to the old Carolla, and tell them if they don’t die in the first year of driving, they get upgraded to the newer, safer, fancy car. Let them fear and respect driving.

Totally agree. They didn’t plan ahead worth beans. The project has been going on for what, 15+ years?

Fife Curve, Tacoma traffic, JBLM, Olympia, Centralia. So sucky.

And hopefully, he wont think that we buy it from the Lybians.

Show this to EVERY little league outfielder. THIS is what can happen when you don’t get your glove on the ball. Great learning opportunity.

Ooh, yes, this is what I was going for, but you said it so much better!

Because the Mustang is the “HEY, WATCH THIS” type of friend you had in college.

This is perfect. We’re looking at used Acuras in these generations, and I’ve been thinking what to do with the beak.

That isn’t very reassuring. An upgrade from where they’re at is, potentially, still garbage.

This is one reason why I love my Mazda 5 so much. Everything is simple, it makes sense, it’s built for value but still remains reliable. And, contrary to what you might think, the honey-I-shrunk-the-minivan Mazda 5 is actually very fun to drive!

I forsee...

Best: E39 540i

PSA: Just drink these.