
Not a fun incident for sure, but kudos to whichever sailor took this photo. It is the tits.

Drama is a’brewin!

Does it come with a lawn chair?

You guys. I see it.


Tesla’s direct sales model means that a dealer will never be able to sell a $35,000 Model 3 for $50,000, because out of the 276,000 people that are interested there will be at least a few hundred willing to pay the extra $15,000 to get one in their driveway.

Eff me. I miss those V8s.

The risk of standing all the way up is if a dingleberry rears its ugly head, it drops direcly into your pants. And nobody wants dungleberry pants.

I’ve seen my (well, used to be) Explorer several times at the local grocery store since I sold it in December. Makes me so sad, like I’ve abandoned it. Was in the family for 23 years! Hard to let something go that had so much family history / growing-up experiences.

Eff. I just did the Bosch wipers for $22 last week!!! arghhhhh!!!!

Eff. I just did the Bosch wipers for $22 last week!!! arghhhhh!!!!

omg, COTD!!!!

What always bugged me is the MP4/12 (slash, not dash, but still) was the name of the 1997 F1 car...


Dear Bernie E and Jean T,

Memorable SIARPC

Eff this picture. Eff it up and down, sideways, in the ear, up wall, and every other way.

No, not really. The face is still pretty ugly, and it’s gotten more “bro truck” since the refresh.

No, the Tundra has a stupid looking face, too.