
Chip Kelly looks exactly like the kid that gets picked last in gym class.

Yep, I rolled this path for years, eeked out my ‘93 Explorer until the 235,000 mile mark (sold it cheap for $800). Didn’t take more than ~$1500 in annual maintenance and was great in many respects. it worked really well, and there is definitely a time and a place to upgrade.

My gosh, that is an ugly ass plane.


I had one in my ‘93 Limited. Fuel economy and performance weren’t great, but the engine never (seriously, never) put a foot wrong for 235,000 miles. Most reliable part of the car.

*Used to drive a Ford. Now I’m in a Mazda.

For $5900...

Now playing

Does not sound as good as the 458 :( (not that I expected it to)


Bourdais may be the least intimidating driver of all time.

Despite all the techno-wizardy and performance figures, I still look at this car and think..... “Meh.”

So basically, to compete with the Crosstek XV? I sort of hate it... Doesn’t feel very Mazda.

Yeah, but ‘Murica first.

I read if he wasn’t going to get a full time F1 seat (he’ll be reserve driver @ Manor), he wanted to make sure he was racing. It’s a good move, I think, but I’d still rather see Rossi along side Grosjean instead of Gutierrez.

Good edit. May you receive many stars.

Edited. Meant to ask, why didn’t they sign Rossi.

So, why didn’t they sign Alex Rossi?

Because the FIAT 500L is ugly as hell and as reliable as a sundial at midnight.

Oh gee! Thanks, Mr. Sanders!