YES! Agreed, their beer is great. Especially their chocolate stout... OM NOM NOM!!!
YES! Agreed, their beer is great. Especially their chocolate stout... OM NOM NOM!!!
Yeah, so he can drop trial and show off.
I heard this burbling down 4th street on Friday evening right near the downtown shuttle dropoff. Super epic.
I too am a Washingtonian headed to COTA!
Almost like the A-5 and an F-15 had a scandalous lovechild.
Agreed, the Steering / Transmission combo kills it for me. I can live with just about everything else. But I greatly prefer my '93 Explorer Limited over the ML320 in almost every category.
Mediocre ride quality, epic numbness in the steering, worst automatic transmission I've ever encountered, schizophrenic accelerator, spongy brake petal, rolls in turns like the Costa Concordia, wind noise deafening on the freeway, seats break your butt after an hour, and the Bose stereo isn't very good.
First time I really paid attention to a Formula 1 car was on Top Gear.... my mind was warped, as I understood a new meaning for the words "fast car."