
He also tried to shift the blame to Nacho, who we also never saw in BB. 

Hmmm, Jesse was far from innocent when he first came across Walt on that fateful day. He may not have gotten into the game so deep to lead him into Nazi abduction, but he was already a criminal that most likely would have been arrested (by Hank) and jailed for a long long time.

In episode 2.08 of BB (“Better Call Saul”), Jesse and Walt kidnap Saul, and he asks in a panic if “Lalo” sent them. We never meet Lalo in person in BB and I don’t think he’s ever mentioned again in BB.

I don’t think that spectacular car crash was what Mike had in mind. He had a real “well crap” look on his face right after he realized the results of his shot.  I think he was trying to take out the driver, but instead probably hit the front tire. Shooting at a moving target is not easy.

I’ve never thought BCS was the kind of show that would kill Kim. I might start to reconsider after tonight

Oh god Kim is going to get murdered.  Mike saying she's now in the business and that whole Lalo scene feels like either a tip of the hand or flat out trolling.  Oh my god this episode had me on edge.  For a moment I thought the writers were going to have Kim be the driver at the end.  Damn you writing team for making

Yeah, it really feels to me like the only reason Howard’s character is still around at this point in the story is to, in some way, be part of the end of Kim and Jimmy, whether intentionally or not. As much fun as the scene with the two hookers was, his continued purpose isn’t just to be Jimmy’s occasional humorous

I said this upthread already, but underneath it all Kim loves Saul, and she really loves the scam game. Kim was angry both at the meeting and later in her confrontation with Saul, but it was a confused anger. She knew that she should be furious but there was something holding her back.

Also I think that Jimmy saw it as not 100% genuine and maybe a little condescending. I thought Howard was trying to be straight up with him, but Jimmy may have heard that “Jimmy Hustle” line and gotten some bad flashback vibes and thought it was always going to be the mailroom Jimmy that Howard sees even though Howard

The girl did as well. She nailed Kim’s speech and physical mannerisms.

This show clearly doesn’t have a legal consultant because Saul would get disbarred for attempted blackmail with claims that would be thrown out of court. No way would Kim be allowed to represent Mesa Verde with him opposing either, as it’s clearly a conflict of interests.

I am loving this. Kim’s story isn’t about Jimmy breaking poor ol’ upstanding gal Kim, it’s about her reluctance to accept that she actually loves this hustling shit. It's a nice thematic Breaking Bad parallel - Walt loved being Heisenberg, Jimmy and Kim want to be the outlaw couple.

“He’s the Anton Chekhov of nail salon lawyers.”

Kim is right to blame Jimmy for not respecting her decision, but she also has herself to blame (and she knows it), because Jimmy clearly warned her at the beginning that she should think twice before going full Slippin’ Jimmy. And it was clear, knowing Jimmy as she does, that it was a no-turning-back moment: once she

I can’t respect Kim because of her hypocrisy. She hates her job? OK, quit! Oh, no; she wants the prestige and money that her boss and her client giver her. She lies through her teeth. She looks them both in the eye and claims to be all honest about what is happening.

Kim isn’t totally innocent. She pulled Jimmy into this mess in the first place. Jimmy went ahead after Kim told him not to, but it was Kim’s plan. Kim and Jimmy have been running schemes together for a few seasons, and at first it was Jimmy getting Kim to go along with them. But the last couple times, Kim has been the

we have no reason to believe Saul was telling the truth there

In fairness, he’s a Senator and represents Vermont at a national level. He has no direct power over any state-level policies being enacted by Vermont’s Governor and Legislature. At best he can advocate for federal policies that would benefit the state, but even then it’s indirect at best.

Hilary “How could I have known about Weinstein” Clinton always has, and always will be TRASH. White feminism twitter is really going all out defending their queen today.

Great article. The delusion on the liberal left is starting to get really scary - it’s the true mirror of Trump voters, who’ll believe any lie he tells them because they can’t think for themselves anymore or see the world with any clarity.