
I agree with you 100% and would point out that VCs really aren’t necessary for most business. A lot of times, business start ups get VCs involved because they cannot/do not want to risk getting money in a conventional manner involving personal risk (i.e. getting a bank loan) or spending money to hire highly-skilled

The only sensible choice.

Because the readership of this site is mostly under 30, I’m guessing.

At the risk of jumping the gun here and being judgmental, I will proffer the argument that Adrien Broner is not a very nice person.

I still find it odd to see the catcher wince and look away like that.  He’s a MLB catcher - admittedly no one is perfect - but that was pretty bad.

You’re not wrong but now agents and sports reps are going to jail for the pay-offs.  That’s new.

I hear you but I think teams will also get a better sense of the a player’s skill level in a true minor-league system in contrast to watching him play five or six games against teams with maybe one player who might make the pros and 30 games against The Little Sisters of the Poor.

I still do not understand why the NBA doesn’t just develop the G-league more so that it is a more attractive minor-league system for young players. Pay them better and let them play against near-NBA level talent and develop their games without any distractions like pretending to go to class or waiting for their tutors

Agreed 100%.  He will be in an English-speaking country, getting paid fairly well, and he will have all day to work on his game without having to sleep through introductory classes and sit around while his tutor finishes his term paper.

I think Georgetown did as well.  They are being sued by one of the kids over it, claiming Georgetown knew what was going on.

Good point. For a guy who preached hard work at 100% commitment, he created a scheme that helped untalented and/or lazy kids enjoy the fruits of in-deserved achievements.

Dominic Brown, who was an untouchable prospect for the Phils and then wound up being unceremoniously demoted back to the minors and then out of baseball within about three years, made every routine fly ball to right field and adventure.

They are an objectively better team run in an objectively more competent manner....

“Overzealous cops” - they were investigating crimes that are almost assuredly going on there.  There was a problem with the warrant because the cops did not have limitations on turning off the video for patrons getting legit massages.  This isn’t exactly some cop gone rogue terrorizing minorities.

Per the books, lots of “small folk” liked the Targaryens and were grateful for the relative peace they brought to the seven kingdoms, ending centuries of never-ending violence and conquest which began to get worse with the Targaryens’ dragons died off, making them vulnerable to conventional warfare.

No, it does not matter.

Her point in the last episode was “I am the rightful ruler and if they stay in the walls of King’s Landing, they are on Cersai’s side. They should rise up and overthrow her in favor of the rightful Queen.” She’s not right but she’s not 100% wrong. If Cersai wins that battle, the common folk would have been cheering

They were young dragons but large enough to be ridden and even (some) ridden into battle.

I didn’t even have an issue with Dany’s arc in large degree but Jamie’s arc was absurd.  The show spent the last four seasons on a redemption storyline to be like “JK he’s just a dude in love with his murderous twin sister.”

This is factually incorrect.  The “testosterone cap” only applies to XY athletes because they want to be inclusive to transgender athletes competing who are in hormone therapy.