Massive Attack and Portishead are what got me really paying attention to music as a kid. Still on my playlists today
Massive Attack and Portishead are what got me really paying attention to music as a kid. Still on my playlists today
Thanks, thats one of those shows I've heard about for years but never actually investigated
What is this, cause thats pretty great. Beardguy looks suspiciously like Bruce Mcculloch, but it doesn't feel like Kids in the Hall..
you know, even as a kid I knew all of that was absurd and out of place, but holy shit I loved those toys XD
That sounds like pretty much the best way to do it. Especially getting the original directors, thats amazingly solid and kind've unusual in a medium like tv.
Yeah the more I become familiar with biology the more I'm convinced that transferring to machines is just the next step in evolution. Seeing an animation of a DNA sequence being picked apart and zipped up by cellular machinery was pretty instrumental in that view.
by rip off you mean develop his game around 3 other games ideas, one of which was only ever pre-alpha and all development stopped on a month after first release?
As someone who recently found out they have celiacs disease:
I wouldn't be terribly shocked if they did this because they knew they'd likely get even more fan hate over any stylistic changes, minor or major, than just re-releasing.
I don't get it. Perhaps if you hadn't told us they were pictures of scorpion eyes?
I.... wait, North Korea has hackers? I mean I assumed they had some government flunkies to take care of it, but a dedicated cybersecurity branch? That doesn't jive with everything I've ever heard about the country...
Meh, if anything I would've just added the new specific-purpose pieces in new ways. Me and my friends always used technic legos to make large guns for our mechs. We even had a stat system for the gears and spacers and such, in order.
Yeah I looked that up and wiki claims thats a 'minor' entry in the body-horror genre. That was fucked the fuck up.
I wish they'd give it more exposure, this article and that website is pretty much the perfect counter to 'Whats the point of space travel anyway rabblerabblerabble'
by the way, has anyone bothered translating that to see if theres an actual joke?
Those are some really damned unpleasant birds :P
I will say, I do appreciate any calls for less flippancy. Considering we're looking at an event that happened in a completely different social climate, you've brought up a lot of solid points, especially with regards to morality and whats considered 'normal'.
So, lets say his professional opinion was that the man wasn't sick. He presents as a healthy empathic human male who is clearly bothered by the fact that he inflicts pain for a living. Treating him to consider that behavior as normal would be doing harm. Not fixing him.
So the idea is that this guy should have made the torturer feel like its normal to torture people so he wouldn't feel bad anymore, because the modern adherents of an ancient cult have decided that microscopic collections of cells have a soul?