
I lost a headlight this way. This giant sheet of ice flew up like 2 or 3 stories high off of a Transit Connect. I watched it flutter in slow motion wondering where it would land. It was beautiful. Like that plastic bag that flies around in that one movie? Except it smashed my headlight. I suppose I got off easy.

From what part of Europe to what other part of Europe do you usually drive?

the article explains the market pretty well, you’re clearly not it. 

No other game in the history of time will pass Doom's longevity. I love this game. We are still talking about it 26 years after release. Amazing.

Paulo Goncalves is witnessed. He shall ride eternal, shiny and chrome, to the gates of Valhalla.

Gonc was beloved by the Dakar community. Just a few stages ago he swapped out his entire engine, by himself, in the middle of the desert and continued on. A truck dropped off the engine and some tools and he just went to work. Amazing. Today, Red Bull TV, in a very classy move, did not engage in full coverage of the

There’s no such thing as a bad V10.

I’ve never related more to a comment before. Every version of the Viper would also be on my list. Collect the whole V10 set!

“runs out at what we call Ferrari revs, so around 9500 rpm.”

I don’t agree with Clarkson hating on Greta, but I think his message is valid. Why should we sit around and argue about how we are going to die and when we are going to die, instead of focusing on how to fix these issues?

Guys, I think I’ve come up with a plan to save Nissan. They just have to sell new R34 GT-Rs instead of new R35s.

Driving a car is boring.

Because motorcycles are fun. 

Um...what you quoted simply addresses a recommendation that people who convert to EV keep their old parts safe and well-labelled.

Not so cool car goes to the mall.

Classic Jalopnik. No motorcycle racing coverage unless there’s a gnarly crash.

I mean Bugatti quad turbos their w16, you could tell them the same thing

Palate cleanser:

Even with the AC on, I won’t leave our lab in a car unattended... again.

Yep, those Veilside cars were pretty outrageous. This one was over the top too: