

In all honesty, he probably will be a board member of a privatized jail.

WHAT?! A former officer in the military is pulling in some sweet sweet consulting cash?

I hope no one minds, but I’m going to go about my day and not worry about this.

Prince was in Abu Dhabi during the Obama years. Building up his mercenary teams for the UAE.

So, O’Keefe admitted to simply being a shill for whomever wants to pay him.

So much for “Guerrilla Journalist”.

The funny thing is that many 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls have already released their tax returns.”

I will add one tiny difference:



“After calling an American embassy, multiple translators, and my parents, I found myself hunched over in a Japanese clinic, desperate to keep any food down.”

I’m still wondering which was true:

When my now wife and I first started teaching, she was paid quite a bit more than me. We had the same responsibilities. Same level of education. We put in the same hours at work. However, science teachers made more than history teachers that that particular school.

Was this really a cafe or an intricate money-laundering scheme? 

I’m not following. These were American citizens that were teaching overseas. Depending on which country you taught at, you made much more money than if you taught in the US.

Oh, and as I walked out of the theater, I was cemented in the fact that Marvel truly cast the right people for the roles. This was not a simple pew-pew-pew comic book movie storyline.

I see it as there are now two Steve Rogers in the same timeline.

I didn’t see the all female ensemble as pandering. I saw it as a glimpse of Phase 4:

Favorite part of Endgame (Spoilers):

I haven’t been to church in a while. However, I thought Jesus turned water into wine, not the other way around.