
Dude, that’s just obnoxious. It’s a comment about COD on a story about COD using acronyms that literally anyone who’s played a COD game since 2007's Modern Warfare would know. There's no reason to make fun of him for it

Better solution: show players their individual KDR and hide other players' during the match. Won't help with the rage quitting, admittedly, but it's a hell of a lot less despicable than selling a feature back for a full fucking third of the game's price

That’s something a lot of people forget: when you watch or listen to video and audio comparisons, you're limited by your hardware, and most people's casual hardware is unsuited to effective comparison.

Don’t forget all the hackers who are greatly benefiting from the Epic store's complete and utter lack of any type of security. I'm gonna be sad, waiting till 2020 for BL3, but fuck if I'm letting my credit card near that piece of shit

Personally,I should think 14 and 88, either one without the other, should be taken as innocuous. Their use as Nazi symbols generally seems to be in tandem, so I can’t say I see the sense in changing a username with only one of them in it. My birthday is the 14th of January, and I’m not about to stop liking the number

Very grateful for that last paragraph. As fun and mildly useful as it can be, I hate seeing the Bechdel test applied as some be all end all of judging media. I'm glad you're not.

Of course it’s not “legit”, glitches and exploits have always been antithetical to “legit” gameplay. But as it’s been said, the knowledge, skill, and finesse required certainly make them worthy of acknowledging, even if they’re kept off in their own category.

The diver isn’t being attacked because consenting to an interview is not a publicity stunt. It’s just fucking normal. Hell, I’ve consented to a couple interviews for friends’ classwork; does that make me guilty of a filthy publicity stunt? No, because interviews simply aren’t publicity stunts.

Apologies for replying to you, this is kind of for everyone on the thread.

To be fair, though, some players are just good at DPS and not good at healing and tanking. I personally suck at anything that isn’t “see enemy, deal damage to enemy”. I also hate the anxiety of that kind of responsibility, and I feel awful when I mess up, because it feels like I’m just letting everyone down. So let me

Am a Christian. Fuck these movies. They’re confirmation bias wet dreams that check off every box on the “Is It Propaganda?” checklist. They only reinforce public perception of Christians as ignorant and thoughtless sheep (which is, most often, far from reality), and they fail to be good movies by any standard metric.

This is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever read on Kotaku. I’d give you more then one star of I could, so I’ll just hope my star means as much as the sun

How many hours have you played? I’m sitting at just over 1,000 (not sure how much of that was spent alt-tabbed out), but I can’t even approach your skill and knowledge of the game. You guys just blow my mind

Man, I remember back when I was playing games on my shitty laptop, usually sitting around 20 fps. I thought it was fine, even for shooters. Hell, brief spikes of high framerates felt too smooth. Now whenever I have framerate dips into the 30s, any fast-paced game feels unplayable.

It’s okay. I’m worse. My brother picked me up from school once, after he had that day bought a PT Cruiser from a friend (we’re broke as shit, shut up). Naturally, he was super cautious and changed lanes on the freeway to avoid a tailgating asshole, remarking to me that the guy was gonna hit someone in the rush hour

300, sir.

If you’ve already established which specific person by their given name or other context, yes.

The funniest part is, the things they do allow can be dangerous. I can bring my laptop with extra batteries on a plane, despite the fact that I could easily overvolt a battery, breach the cells, and cause a sizable explosion. If I wait until we’re at 35k ft, that could be catastrophic. They’ll let me risk blowing a

Well, it’s better than the front falling off

Frankly, as long as it’s not peptobismol pink, I don’t give even a flightless fuck what color my car is. Maybe someday I’ll have the money to care, but not today