Three Points

Well in that case so is Dalessandro’s which beats all those options


There’s a Papa John’s in short walking distance from my house. A Domino’s too. But we also have Alex’s, Apollo’s, The Couch Tomato, Dantonio’s, Fiesta, Franzone’s, Mama’s, Mike’s, Mina’s, Riverside, Roma, Slices, and Zesto in the general neighborhood. Most of these places make far better pizza than Papa John’s or

Darts. More bars have darts, it’s easy to talk drunk people into a game. Bowling requires way, way too much setup. Not to mention no one is going to have a high-stakes bowling match when it’s cosmic bowl or some kid’s 10th birthday party has the bumpers up on the next lane.

With all the ceaseless arguing, toxic fandoms, and very few, but very loud, horrible individuals, it is easy to forget that games are fun. These types of wholesome gaming stories always warm my heart and brighten my days.

Put on your damn helmet Sloane it’s raining methane!

Your light is a dragon guardian

+1 alkane dust

Maybe the Speaker knows.

I bet the Fallaen probably don’t like it all that much but it’s probably like a Slurpee to the Hive.

This is why you never go to a NFL game.

You know, I’ve seen many hardcore mmo players complain about casuals getting catered to more, but as the fanbase continues to age I don’t think there’s any avoiding it. My understanding is that the bulk of gamers are adults now, and most adults are in the same situation as Keza and Patrick.

Hell yeah. Daddy Titan needs some white&black dead orbit.

Han: “Okay Chewie, we’re going back to Tattooine, we’re paying Jabba back, and we’re going to keep a very low profile and not get into trouble.”

I can see what you were going for, but this was possibly the worst review I’ve ever seen on Kotaku.

Correct. However, the shader is a consumable, so when you come across a new pair of gloves that you like more, your previously used shader is gone and a new one will need to be used.

Blisteringly hot take, brah. Please, continue you make every story about you, forever.

Whats with this site and the constant whining about the MLS

Yeah, but you bought it from Amazon..