Third Person Omnivorous

I read this one first, and then went to the other one, and really enjoyed the article. But then I read the greys (no offense), and it was scary--the Oregonian defenders were crawling out of their hiding spaces, so I backed carefully away and came back to the fun commentary.

You know, there does need to be more internecine squabbling around Kinja. Fuck those other guys!

Will you start calling yourself “elitist East Coast media fuckboy” from now on? Please? Or maybe declare May 20th to be Elitist East Coast Media Fuckboy Day. Something to honor this, this perfect piece of Kinja.

And Alexander wept that there were no more stars to give.

Still one of my favorites.



It’s Redford. He’s playing the deep game to throw us all off.

TIL watching TV wards off hallucinations. Imma use that one: “You want the hallucinations back? Huh? Is that what you want? Or can I just finish binge watching every show I didn’t bother with 15 years ago?”

It’s an interesting idea. From my perspective the whole “the refs suck” idea from every sport is just a by-product of video anyway. It’s not a falsifiable statement or anything, but I’m willing to bet that refereeing has gotten better over time, but having an amazing video record of everything has foregrounded the

But Thompson folded in the last paragraph! I was very disappointed that he couldn’t maintain it and just wrote a straightforward summary. That’s like the anti-house-style or something.

Albert Burneko’s Furious Abs is not something I thought I’d read about today.

What are the two going to be for the finals? We had sins, then horsepeoples of the Apocalypse. Heaven & Hell? Beelzebub and Mephistopheles? I’m truly looking forward to the next entry.


And kind of annoying to those of us older than him.

Interesting. I skip every “Song that makes me wanna run through a goddamn bricked wall,” but I don’t know too much about Vampire Weekend. I’ve heard and liked, say, two of their songs.

Look, this Hapsbong fella just fails the eye test. It’s that simple.

Mythical how?

I see you divided acedia and sloth, but you then left off despondency (Tristitia). Obviously, you were implicating your audience with that sin, focusing on all the teams that had lost.

Except for the whole, you know, deadly-sin-going-to-Hell part of it. I mean, it sounds more *baller*, for sure, but maybe not *respectable*.