Third Person Omnivorous

It’s true, though. Even if he doesn’t win without Brady, Belichick has been more important to the Patriots success. Brady is a strong, great quarterback, but he is not as integral to the Patriots success as Belichick, and he’s not the whatever “Greatest Of All Time” (I wish people would stop event trying to make that

I love that recipe, but I haven’t halved it because I hate going to 1 1/2 servings. Stupid halves. I haven’t halved is a dumb sentence.

Welcome to the club! Unfortunately, the list of teams to hate starts getting longer and longer, and then you have situations like “Steelers v. Patriots” where you have to root for a natural disaster to strike.

What a load of horseshit that was. “Hey everybody, here’s some performative pap for social justice!”

I will never pass up the opportunity to say that Gary Thorne should still be calling all NHL games.

The argument expressed above specifically mentions that what the Pelicans are doing *is* logical. The argument isn’t about whether it’s illogical. The argument is about the structure of the league that created a situation that sucks while still being logical for the participants. Part of that structure is the CBA.

Of course. It’s not their fault that they “give the people what they want” right? While that’s partly true, I also think that “they” (whoever they are) also manufacture the want itself.

I am aware of the ombudsman role in traditional print journalism, as well as sites like Snopes. I’m also acutely aware that these things aren’t even close to front-and-center, and that’s obviously the point I was making. Of course these things are available. So’s the fucking crossword puzzle, but people who are

I think I can help you there, buddy.

Nah, he didn’t have to read any of those columns now. He just had to find a link to one. Google’s like a total antiseptic chamber, man.

I was going to say something (not really) funny in support of your comment, but it gave me a serious idea: I want a news program completely dedicated to debunking yesterday’s misinformation. Like, all news outlets these days are falling all over themselves for “scoops” in the Twitter era, and all that becomes is

“Tampering” is obviously the front-runner for the M-W word of the year.

tl;dr version: Do NOT be like past Drew Magary. He has learned!

John Wesley Harding does “Kiss” on the album “It Happened One Night”

Dennis Moore, Dennis Moore, riding through the night!

Dude, I see your point, but can we please stop with the aggrieved “Deadspin is a singular coherent entity that’s totally in agreement at all times” trope? Corporations are not people, fuck Antonin Scalia’s rotting corpse.

As a Mike Mussina fan, I have to say that Curt Schilling could easily go to the hall. Moose’s WAR is only slightly higher. Of course, Moose’s WAR is also higher than Glavine’s, and he had to wait a few years after Glavine got in.

I hate that! As a compulsive reader, if I see a bumper sticker on a car, I will move up to read it, in hopes of getting some sort of entertainment or enlightenment (it could happen!). Why would they put a message up that mocks me for trying to read their message? That’s not entertaining, or informative, and it
