Third Person Omnivorous

Free yourself, people! I turned my back on my childhood team decades ago, and now I actively root against them. It feels good to watch them suffer.

Fuuuuuck. I’m like 934 in lower-back years at this point.

This is the good shit, right here.

Out of some insane sentimentality, I tracked down season 22, episode 9 of Chopped. What a goofball.

I’m not ever going to say Art Monk is the best of his era, or even third best, but I will die on the hill of “Art Monk is not mediocre”.

No. When he retired, he was #1 all time in receptions. That wasn’t one good year. He retired in 1995, and is now #20 in all-time receptions. Every one ahead of him on the list played after 1995.

Well, of course a *woman* gets to say bro-ey things ironically. That’s how it comes full circle.

Mediocre guys who were some of the best in their position before rule changes led to their position getting insanely inflated numbers? Mediocre guys who’s single-season record was broken several times in a span of years after lasting for longer than the previous record?

It was star *wars*. If reading The Thin Red Line and From Here to Eternity taught us anything, it’s that men in war have needs that only men in war can service.

Based on the themes of the responses today, is it an E. Coli infection?

No. I have to say ‘tchup is the bro-iest thing you’ve ever written, and I hope you take that as the insult it’s meant to be. No amount of irony is safe from bro-iness. Please never again.

I’m rewatching the video to count the number of steps. It’s at least 4 after he clutches the ball.

There was a time when Kinja wasn’t borked?

I wasn’t aware this was something McVay did. If so, you’re right. That’s a terrible coaching decision. It is an ego thing (even if it’s your second alternative). McVay is going to make it more about himself than about his players.

+1 large Mexican man coming to kill us

Holy shit, pancakes are easy. My son memorized the recipe when he was 6. That insta-bisquik shit is foul.

Absolutely; the acceleration is just one part of the force, though, and that’s why “pillow fights” vs. “linebackers” is so much different. The *force* of a 20-G pillow vs. the *force* of a 20-G linebacker is much different, as long as we’re just calling G a measure of acceleration, which this page admits to: http://www

Yeah the whole F=ma thing rears its ugly head. Damn you, Newton!


I really really want that data that produced the “pillow fights are 20g’s” conclusion.