Third Person Omnivorous

I started my kids on Card Etiquette very early. The youngest is 9 and can sometimes control himself. Also, really young kids can learn Whist. It’s a perfect introduction to all the other trick-taking games for later: Bridge, Spades, Hearts, even the Euchre-derivatives.

+1 Gnosticism

Are you kidding? I’m proud of laughing at that joke!

I was looking for the “you’re more bacteria than person” information and came across this link, which can be summed up as “you’re not *way* more bacteria than person, you’re only mostly more bacteria than person (because the ratio is not quite 10:1)”:

Bottle of wine, loaf of french bread, cheese, various other picnic items (honestly, wasn’t expecting to enjoy the movie).

+1 blue balls

Wha——-? You frauds! My entire worldview is up-ended.

That escalated quickly.

Long ago, in the mists of pre-history, there were apes that didn’t care if members of their group were fucking. Those apes are dead now, and they did not pass any of their “I don’t give a damn who’s fucking” genes along. The only apes that are left are the ones that care if those guys are fucking.

Yup. I did re-read it. No points for being close, I guess.

I hear you, but it’s not a concept; it’s an emotion. It’s really hard to be “gracious in defeat” in the modern era of athletics.

Is that the one that has the story about how he maintained 142 pounds so that he could be even more positive? I love that man.

He was so awesome.

Brooks uses imaginary millenials, Friedman uses Pakistani cab drivers. Everybody’s gotta have something.

I’m in the “so-called-higher-organisms-are-really-just-large-carriers-of-bacterial-level-micro-organisms” camp of biology. My existence is a tool for replication mechanisms, and an environment in which micro-organisms of many types can cooperate in their own continued survival and replication.

Etymology is not always a good indicator of...well, anything, really. I have a very strong aversion to the “argument from etymology” (which is a fallacy, by the way). The harm of some of these phrases is still extant, and they should be avoided because there is still some of the implicit harm in them. However, some of

I was teaching high school when LeBron’s high school games were being broadcast on ESPN. He can call me youngun’.

Don’t worry; all the stars are going to the Delhi Escorts, apparently. I guess there’s some sort of cross-sectional association with Cavs fans?

You’re the hero here. I thought about doing that, but I wanted to read a little more in this thread first. Ugh.