Three Phased

Though I think it CAN be triggered by laughing too hard.

They're gonna need a 55 gallon drum of Carmex to soothe the chapped ass this will give the Tweeter-In-Chief. :-D XD

Isn't "HEB that rhymes with dweeb" a, er, mild anti-semitic slur?


Five Nights at Mickey's?

"She wasn't bad. She was just drawn that way."

I would prefer to be INSIDE the elephant in that particular room. Right in the center. Protective meat density.

"You mean wall candy?"

"And less accountable - to anyone"

And probably bribed people to let her in, too. It's her MO!

And clear/transparent hair!

Killing them *sarcastically.*

Natural casing FTW!

None of these appear to actually be "encased meats" though. Aren't they all "skinless"?

Shades of Warhol!!

Cork sucking iceholes!!

One does not simply … thrust… into Whore-dor.

Now see, if only they'd changed their spammer-handle to "Martha," they wouldn't be getting flagged. Just saying.