
As a feminist, I am naturally committed to the project of making ALL young boys cease to believe in themselves; either with a woman president or a witchy potion introduced into the water supply, whichever comes first.

This would’ve been an excellent opportunity to say, you know, “Whether you’re a boy or you’re a girl, both of you, my job will be to make sure it’s equally an option for both of you.

If “not liberal enough” is your reason to not vote for Hillary when the alternative is *actual fascism*, your liberalism is just narcissism

These are the kind of supporters who would be disappointed when Bernie couldn’t finish his entire agenda in two years, forget to vote in the midterms, and then call him an ineffective president when a Republican Congress blocks all his legislation.

Am I starting to sound bitter about other Sanders supporters? That’s

Yep. I and probably a majority of my friends and family are Bernie supporters, and we are virtually ALL voting for Clinton in November. Bernie or Bust-ers are an extremely vocal minority, folks.

pretty sure this is the donald...

Who Wore It Better: Fantasy Edition

Not for the 1st time,

What happened with me was I was out grocery shopping and after I was done I opened the app, looked around. I saw that across the road from me was a Catholic church that had four pokestops all clustered there. I decided to drive over, then dropped a lure on one of the pokestops and sat there getting pokemon. Then a car

I really want to believe that these kind of assholes have been around forever, we just didn’t get blasted in the face by thier bullshit. In the 90s we had the militia movement (rather funny how these kind of people only seem to have issues with the government when the left is in charge) which had moments of spotlight,

Also, an article of yours just ran with the title “I Now Pronounce These Two Allowed to Fuck” about Ciara and her fiancé...right after an article about a Black man dying in the street.

Really, Eugenics is where you go? Troll much?