“hell is other people.”
“hell is other people.”
Why is he her responsibility? Just yesterday I read an article on Gawker or one of these sites about smarm, and frankly, degrading her feminism because this dude pops off at the mouth is pretty smarmy by making this not about this dude popping off at the mouth, but about her value as a feminist.
Come on, all you stand-up men
You Self-empowered go-getters
And all your lucky ladies
To whom you write your letters
I keep moving through my days
As if I’d never met her
But ever since I, I gave up hope
I’ve been feeling so much better
Yeah I’m feelin’ so much better
But ever since I gave up hope
I’ve been feelin’ so much…
The Secret Service...had to protect a reporter...FROM A PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE AND HIS CROWD. I just....
UGH don’t get me started on the deposit I had to put down in order to cover the cost of my disembodied wailing. Apparently because I’ll be shrieking at a higher pitch than male ghosts, the premium goes up. Plus I have to sign a clause that forces me to promise that when I fill elevators with blood, that I’m using…
It’s the ten days of funerary games following my burial that are proving the most financially draining. Apparently all the glitter and feathers needed to turn four chariots worth of horses into “pretty pretty princess Pegasus unicorns” is not easy on the Hello Kitty pink glitter coin purse. Glitter may cost extra, but…
I don’t even want to tell you how much it cost me to pre pay for my hot pink viking funeral....
I mean, lady coffins HAVE to be more expensive. Our curvy Boobs n’ Things means we need more wood than men do. Plus, EVERYONE knows that when ladies die, our spirits are forced to walk the earth forever, nagging men and screeching into the ether. And that obviously means our graves require regular salting and…
Can we agree that it’s unlikely Hillary Clinton would have been a Senator or Secretary of State if she wasn’t married to Bill?
Unfortunately, unless they are providing men with men-only spaces, then it’s discriminatory.
The more you have the more you lose that self control and you end up with a voice inside your head that says “ I’m good. I can totally have more!”
It’s easy to cynically point at all the failings of American democracy. But the one thing that will never cease to amaze me, and that I will never stop reminding myself is unique and incredible in the history of government, is the American transition of power. Like, there’s no subterfuge or questions or violence or…
Having watched a lot of AHS, I can safely say that the promos are usually around two to three times better than the actual show
This is what the DNC gets by cheating HRC into winning. 4 more years of our President being a corporatist neo-liberal instead of watching out for the environment. Almonds take up way too much water to grow, as anyone who isn’t a shill for the Almond Industrial Complex can tell you. Wake up sheeple.
As a feminist, I am naturally committed to the project of making ALL young boys cease to believe in themselves; either with a woman president or a witchy potion introduced into the water supply, whichever comes first.
This would’ve been an excellent opportunity to say, you know, “Whether you’re a boy or you’re a girl, both of you, my job will be to make sure it’s equally an option for both of you.
If “not liberal enough” is your reason to not vote for Hillary when the alternative is *actual fascism*, your liberalism is just narcissism
These are the kind of supporters who would be disappointed when Bernie couldn’t finish his entire agenda in two years, forget to vote in the midterms, and then call him an ineffective president when a Republican Congress blocks all his legislation.
Am I starting to sound bitter about other Sanders supporters? That’s…