
Um, except that she otherwise would have had to marrying er brother by custom. The marriage wasn't to civilize, but to gain access to an army as a result of her becoming queen. Not exactly unheard of, the political and military alliance arising out of marriage part. That's how Europe worked until WW I.

The guy wrote thousands and thousands of pages, inventing entire societies, discrete countries, religions, political situations and social customs and you think he’s lazy?

Oreos were, are, and will always be the shit. I will crawl over broken glass for a glass of milk and a sleeve (= one serving) of Oreos.

I wonder why we’re supposed to give a shit about her sexuality. If everyone is so earnest about creating an environment of neutrality around sexual preference, why do famous people need to be open? Why do we demand exposition of famous people’s sexuality?

I’m sympathetic to those that lost their jobs, but not blown away that the company is making typical business decisions. Opportunity cost is a thing...companies recognize that. In this case, they got their marketing and they were able to source less expensive labor. I’m amazed that employees actually think that

Did he do more than Ali? Robinson? Russell? Motley? Jabbar? Carlos? Smith?

Cost him everything? Really? You know who lost everything? John Carlos and Tommie Smith. And, they never beat up their girlfriends. Brown’s abuse of women severely pre-dates his activism, which, like it or not, was fairly uncontroversial by the time he really got active. Brown was a fucking lacrosse All-American and a

1.) “No worries” is so fucking annoying it makes me grind my teeth when awake, which sucks.

The hallelujahs over Brown always bothered me. He admitted being a bad guy, over and over, and, simply because he could run with a football and had some non-novel idea that racism was bad, the media still sings his praises. Newsflash...lots of bad dudes happen to be good athletes. The question really, is what quality

It’s political, social, and controversial. It’s not suitable for court. The attorney knew it.

What is it? Witness bonds aren’t employed in a cavalier manner (although this particular county seems to give new meaning to bureaucratic ineptitude). In a contested criminal trial, both sides often claim to be the victim; one victim of the accused, the other a victim of the justice system. In our criminal system,

The problem is that if you want rape prosecutions and convictions, you have to have witness testimony; it is unavoidable. I’m with you if you are implying that the obligation to be confronted in court compounds the trauma of the rape. I’m not with you if you imply that those accused of one category of crimes aren’t

All well and good, except that no employer can compelled to hire a distraction. Just because someone is qualified to make a certain amount of money doesn’t mean they can. The very fact that this article was written would be a significant disincentive for any potential employer to hire the guy.

The Jets Jetting makes the Knicks Knicking look like the Mets Metting. The Jets just gotta Jet.

So, Marky Mark, who committed an admittedly horrible crime at the age of 14, an age where we for very good reason consider kids less culpable for crimes they commit, who grew up and, like it or not, has given away huge and verifiable sums of money to charity is somehow less credible than the adult people who run the

You sound unbearably classist. The uncomfortable truth is that the position of our country in the world is directly related to the military might we project. The idea that such a vast and diverse organization is populated by people who “aren’t smart” reveals just how patronizing you must be. It’s not hyperbole when

You should really read about religious orthodoxy. In the five “world” religions and all of their sects, women always get the short end. The idea and practice of female equality is a recent development to people whose doctrinal teachings stretch back millennia.

Baylor is private, so it's under no obligation to release a report. This case is simply another reason why we shouldn't give schools quasi-judicial authority to investigate serious crimes.

In the real sense, they weren’t communists. Their joining the party, but still retaining their wealth and obvious privilege simply revealed them to be well-meaning dilettantes.