No one is an official Commie, you idiot. That’s the point. Kahlo is romanticized as something she wasn’t; Guevara, too.
No one is an official Commie, you idiot. That’s the point. Kahlo is romanticized as something she wasn’t; Guevara, too.
I guess it depends on your opinion of elite zealots with mysterious levels of adoration, given their horrible crimes. Also, Kahlo wasn't a Communist.
But they didn’t become Communists. Frieda certainly didn’t. Communism is a non-starter in the sense that it’s conceptually valid, but impractical in reality. It asks that everyone subordinate themselves to the welfare of the whole. Kahlo was a wealthy person, sure, but she was also an artist. Art is an extremely…
Um, yeah, but he was also a mass murderer, something conveniently forgotten by the wearers of t-shirts.
Just once, I’d like a reporter to say, “Bullshit. Bull-fucking-shit. If you actually expect anyone to believe you, you are goddamn delusional. Didn’t expect it to get out? The fuck are you actually saying to me? That you think I’m an idiot? Because you knew just what was gonna happen. You know what, I gotta go.”
Well then, why give a shit about any other shot in BB but the dunk? It’s the most efficient and highest percentage, so that means that a jump shooter is overrated compared to a dunker.
You can’t get shitfaced and immunize yourself from robbery, do you really think rape is any different? Rapists are criminals. Criminals take advantage of people least able to defend themselves. It’s naive in the extreme to think that rapists and robbers are going to respect your right to freedom from molestation, just…
But, you likely live in an apartment building where everyone else has their heat on. No heat = death in the Northeast. Same with no air conditioning.
Because, like it or not, there is a species hierarchy. You cannot function, no matter how hard you try, without benefitting from the death of animals. A vegan who takes medicine of almost any type is a hypocrite. One who gets surgery, the same. Like it or not, a “principle” can't be practiced if it legitimately can't…
The fact that you aren't part of the judicial system, can't conduct searches or actually prosecute.
Seniority isn't just based on cumulative tenure, but also time in a particular position. You can be a long term employee with the least seniority on a team.
Have you ever in your life been to another country? Because runners do make money outside the US.
I’m all for women getting equal opportunity. But, an argument that GoT is a “women’s story” and should therefore be directed by a woman isn’t really logical, particularly when the creator of the story is an elderly man. Further, I think we agree that women are equally as capable of telling male stories.
Dude, if someone hits you, then you are one of two parties who have been in an accident. There’s a difference between identifying that at-fault party and all of the parties involved. There’s no moral superiority attached to letting someone injure you if you could have avoided the incident, regardless of the other…
So what? When did he become a Democrat? How much time, money and effort did he dedicate to getting other Democratic candidates elected?
It wasn’t undemocratic. Politics is about electability. Unless you’re shockingly unrealistic, Sanders had no shot at beating HRC. None.
The statistics on this matter. We allow fallible people to pilot all manner of vehicles and we know how many accidents occur and how they occur. We accept those risks. So, if we can extrapolate from the (admittedly) meager data that far, far fewer accidents and deaths would result from autonomous vehicle adoption,…
Nope. Strict liability in most cases. Rear ending another car is bad news.
That’s dumb as shit. If the accident they cause involves you, then it’s not their “own” accident. You can be injured whether you hit someone or they hit you, and if slowing down is the riskier choice over swerving, then swerve it should be.
I’m pro-choice, but I think how you view your pregnancy is largely determined by whether or not you wanted it to occur or, alternatively, desire its outcome. By definition it’s a medical condition, but it’s also potential (not a person) for a radically altered life.