
C’mon. “We used to be unconscionably racist until people caught on, and now we’re trying to change.”, isn't a great argument for a city. Aside of that, it's Manitoba...if you're from more diverse, bigger cities, you're not going to be impressed with fucking Winnipeg.

That makes no sense. TV shows are budgetary and creative endeavors. So, if storylines don’t meet your approval, are they “disrespectful” to fans?

I wonder if Dolan has ever heard of Florence Foster Jenkins.

Kids are getting a little more astute with regard to their (narrow window of) leverage. They should exploit it as much as possible before they themselves agree to be exploited.

You might find this surprising, but pretty much all nude photographs are male-gazey. Aside of that, don't even try to say that KK was taking that picture for the ladies.

That it may be, her body. But, it’s very hard to argue that KK didn’t achieve notoriety because of her body, nor that she seems to release a new nude photo whenever attention towards her flags.

I think you’re stretching it. Conservatorships are typically validated by medical evidence, and we aren’t privy to Spears’ medical information. As someone who’s had a close relationship with a very high functioning mentally ill person (that is, as long as meds were taken properly and a daily plan adhered to), I can

His wife is gonna be super pissed off when she realizes that he's also a hypnotist. And, possibly relieved.

That quote doesn’t just say something about gatekeepers; I think it points very directly to the problem publishers have marketing unattractive authors of books with potential mass appeal. The public has cast their lot for conventionally attractive, even in a milieu where the artist’s looks literally mean nothing; a

Yep, get in line to buy a car from a guy convicted of sexual assault...he was a real prince, Tupac.

Anonymity fosters the use of immoderate language. We no longer disagree, we pillory. It’s a poor substitute for cogent argument.

You can be sympathetic, but if someone takes your picture on the street against your wishes, there's nothing you can do.

You don't have any right to protection from photography on the street. Consent doesn't factor into it.

He actually has every right to photograph her on the street. He can’t touch her, but he can photograph her. None of us have any “consent” to give if some one wants to take a picture if us in public space.

Philly IS pretty fucking tolerant. We’ve had a “Gayborhood” for 50 years. The street signs have rainbows. Every city has douchebags, but I'd wager gay guys in Philly hate the Cowboys and the fucking Mets just like everyone else.

I make that dude look like a golden God. We weren't all blessed with surplus melanin.

This (hypothetical) arrangement would not make the 500 any less a piece of shit.

Dude, in sports you’re always a loser until you win. People can yammer on about failed strategies and successful gambles but in the end, sporting success is, to a very great extent, serendipity.

Great Britain has a long tradition of trumpeting principle and practicing hypocrisy. None of this should be surprising.

It’s tragic she died, and moreso how she died. She’s not the first entertainer to descend into addiction, and certainly won’t be the last; the fleeting nature of relevancy takes a toll on some people.