
Regardless of frequencies and affected groups, the fact remains that most Universities are simply not qualified to adjudicate complaints. Sexual assault should always be a criminal matter, investigated by police and prosecutors, not English Profs doing side duty on a Title IX panel.

I had no idea Irving was an Eagle fan. The more you know...

You should qualify that. Beyoncé has no illusions about how crazy her fan base is and what they can be motivated to do. What they are doing is not only posting horrific things about this woman on almost every social media platform available, but also harassing her daughters and even Rachel Ray. She’s got a little

He didn't write the movie. He made that clear in many interviews.

Children fall off their bicycles and die. They fall off swings and die. They die skiing, sledding, falling while running, you name it. It’s always a tragedy when kids die, but it’s not always someone else’s fault. These kids did a dumb thing and the police didn’t have the necessary equipment to rescue them, so they

That’s the whole idea. When elected representatives enact laws which have as consequences sports and entertainment boycotts and the refusal of companies to add jobs to their state, either lawmakers or voters have to decide what they want more, sports, entertainment and jobs, or the legal right to discriminate. (It

I married that girl. Those days are over. Those days are gone. Only one of us has clear memories of those days; the other denies she “would ever wear something so uncomfortable”. But she did, every single goddamned day.

There are a lot of guys out there with questionable concert shirts from their youths.

You should really read up on how actual tyrants treat people who act like Rauf did.

You work for a company that for quite some time had a feature called “Gawker Stalker”.

Imagine living in Wisconsin, where the desolation is such that being a die-hard UW-M fan is actually possible.

Until you have driven in Seattle or have foolishly decided to drive to Portland from Seattle, you haven’t seen true automotive incompetence. Seattle is where your grandmother, visiting from the East Coast, will first utter the word “motherfucker”. Later, she will scream it out the driver’s side window at the fucking

Driver and motorcycle rider. Mine may be a minority opinion, but if you’re on a bike, you have to assume that you’re constantly at risk; you’re hard to see, hard to hear, and drivers aren’t hard-wired to look for you like they are other cars. So, don’t do dumb shit. Don’t lane split (and fuck any rationalization for

Dreads were worn by Gauls, Celts, People of the Indian sub-continent, Egyptians and others. The fact that Rastafarianism popularized them doesn't make the style exclusively black. That whole thing gets really, really old.

Sometimes you gotta take “yes” for an answer. She’s against discrimination against LGBT people. She doesn’t “agree” though, with the concept of Homosexuality in practice. (So, what?) The first is greater than the second.

Parents and school districts gave to decide what they want. If you want teachers to intervene hey a) better be paid for that shit, b) better be trained for that shit and c) have job and liability protections for when that shit arises.

That (the complaint) is dumb as shit.

You could have quit immediately after writing that first subordinate clause.

Except that dreads were worn by Celts, Gauls, and Indians (sub-continent, that is). The black community and Rastas don’t have a corner on locks, no matter the popular “appropriation” mythology.

At a certain point, regardless of the long history of white privilege, there’s got to be dialogue. If efforts made in good faith are a little tone deaf, you can make an argument that they’d be less so with more dialogue. Ripping white people, over and over, who want to do the right things, but are only ever told